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This page is written by the game's inventor, Douglas Seiden-Sacharovich.

Force Field Chess

The Original Chess of Atlantis and Mu

Copyright © 2008 by Douglas Yale Kaplan Seiden-Sacharovich


Rule 1: Relationship With Classical Chess. All rules of Classical Chess apply except as modified below.

Rule 2: Force Field Intensities. Each element projects a force field, the relative intensities of which are as follow: Pawn = 1, Knight = 2, Bishop = 3, Rook = 4, Queen = 5. The King does not project a force field.

Rule 3: Force Field Trajectories. An element's force field activates all empty squares to which or through which it could legally move or upon which it could legally capture in Classical Chess if it were its player's turn. A pawn's force field projects both forward and diagonally to empty squares within its range of movement or capture. Occupied squares, line boundaries and point intersections are not activated by force fields.

Rule 4: Force Field Charge and Control of a Square. The Force Field Charge (FFC) of a square is equal to the sum of the charges projected to it by the elements of one player minus the sum of the charges projected to it by the elements of the other. A square is controlled by the player whose elements exert the largest charge on the square. Occupied squares are neutral, as are empty squares equally charged by the force fields of both armies. 

Rule 5: Legal Moves and Captures. An element may legally move through or to any square that is neutral or controlled by its army. An element may not move through or to an empty square controlled by the opponent. An element may capture, check or mate upon any square to which it has legal passage through all intervening squares. A Knight may take a legal 2 + 1 or 1 + 2 route to a legal destination square even if alternative routes would be illegal. A King may move at will unimpeded by force fields. Potential threats to one element by another, including check or mate, are neutralized by intervening squares controlled by the threatened element's army. It is illegal for an element to move in such a way that relinquishes control of an empty square that is currently neutralizing a Classical check on the element's own King.

Example Game: To Be Posted Shortly

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By Douglas Yale Kaplan Seiden-Sacharovich.
Web page created: 2012-03-03. Web page last updated: 2012-03-03