Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.


Since it takes time and money to maintain a quality website, this site generates some income through advertising. This site is an affiliate of Amazon, eBay, and Google Adsense. The focus of this site remains on its content, and much of our advertising will enhance the content by pointing you to products related to Chess or Chess variants.

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Amazon Affiliate

Since this site is an Amazon affiliate, the following statement is obligatory:

The Chess Variant Pages is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

This site includes Amazon banner ads, search ads, and occassional links to items on Amazon. Following any of these ads will take you to Amazon, and any transactions you make will be with Amazon, not with this website.

The Amazon banner ads here are mostly hand-picked, and some are for products I would endorse, but an ad still does not constitute an endorsement of a product. An occasional recommendation ad may include items Amazon has judged may be of interest to you based on tracking you with cookies. If you wish, you may turn this off:


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Various ebay search result ads will appear in the header and sidebars. The search term used by an ad is randomly selected from a set of search terms that have been tested with that particular ebay to return enough relevant results to fill an ad of that size. These include English search terms for every ebay site and terms in other languages for specific ebay sites. You can use the arrows on the ad to page through search results, but in some cases, the results will grow less relevant as you do that. To help you tell whether an ad is for an auction or a Buy-It-Now sale, these two types are separated into different ads and color-coded. Yellow arrows are used for auction ads, and green arrows are used for Buy-It-Now ads. For ads on the left side, you will also be told in the appropriate language whether the ads below are for auctions or for Buy-It-Now sales. In general, the ebay ads do not constitute endorsements of particular products, since their results will vary with the products actually being sold on ebay, and they will be featuring more products than I am personally aware of or familiar with. They are provided mainly to draw your attention to products that may interest you if you're interested in Chess or Chess variants.

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This site displays ads from Google Adsense. These ads may be tailored to your interests or location based on Google tracking you. The following types of Google ads have been blocked:

In addition to these categories, I have blocked several disreputable or untrustworthy sites. Relying on the Web of Trust and the Noscript Firefox extensions, I am able to check out advertisers and determine whether they are trustworthy. When I find a site is reported to spread adware or malware, I block it. If you come across any untrustworthy sites through Google ads here, please let me know. While I'm tempted to stop Google ads because of all the bad sites advertising through it, catching them here will also block them on my YouTube channels, which share the same adsense account.

The content of Google ads is selected by Google's algorithms, using information about your interests and location. Google ads are not selected by us, and they never constitute an endorsement of a particular product or service by anyone associated with this site. When you follow a Google ad, you will be taken to another site, and any transaction you take part in there will not be with this site.

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The ads appearing at the top and sides of a page are randomly selected from sets of ads that are populated according to the page being visited and the language of the viewer. A visitor's language is found in HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE and is used as a rough indicator of the visitor's country, since the same language will often have multiple entries for different countries, such as en-us for United States English or en-ca for Canadian English. This value may be changed by changing your language in your browser. The set of ads selected from includes ads for visitors using U.S. English and ads for visitors using Canadian English or French. For other languages, the representation of Google ads is increased.

Your Advertisements

In general, all advertising here is through affiliate programs, not through direct sales of ad space to private advertisers. If you do wish to advertise on the Chess Variant Pages, you should contact the webmaster and site owner, Fergus Duniho. Bear in mind that the types of ads blocked for Google Adsense will also be rejected for private advertisers. Ideally, your ad should be for Chess, Chess variants, games, or something else that might be of particular interest to visitors of this site. It would also be best if your ads appear as part of an affiliate program. If your ad is not in English, you will have to provide a Unicode transcription of your ad that can be run through an online translator.