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🕸Fergus Duniho wrote on Tue, Nov 29, 2022 09:36 PM UTC in reply to CSS Dixieland from 08:27 PM:

Mister Duniho, an effort has been made for creating in this server an annexed page, and moving the entire History of the Game of Maidens Chess to that page, keeping in this page only a few lines of presentation, an internal hyper link to the annexed page, and the four technical sections with their illustrations.

The effort has been made via the internal hyper link 'Post Your Own Game'. Unfortunately, after finishing the first step of that process (name and basic characteristics of the game), and when attempting to go to the second step, a blank page appears with only this minimal line:

$personid is cssdixieland

That did happen when I was working on the script recently, and I fixed it when I noticed it. But it didn't happen to me when I tried it just now. Try refreshing your page to see if that fixes it.

Our writing is always composed for readers armed with a good amount of patience, who love to sit comfortably and READ. For hours, if necessary.

Then write a book. Pages on games should not take hours to read.

Our writing is always invariably formal, correct, elegant, exhaustive, complete and without a single error, other than a very rare typographic mistake that may per chance appear in a long text.

Your use of the royal we and the passive voice should both be avoided.

As for sections, it is assumed that what has been written in them pertains to them.

Everything after your first paragraph in the Pieces section has nothing to do with pieces and should be cut. Although I have not read through your long introduction, I imagine a lot of it could be cut out.

Again such an assumption parts from the point of view of the classical mind, not of the modern one. Someone may say for example that the reference to Medieval Music is out of place. For the modern mind may be. For us it is not.

This is stuff and nonsense. You imagine that you are superior to others for having a "classical mind," and that has no place here. This is not about classical vs modern minds. This is about keeping your page brief and to the point so that people will actually read it and play this game.

Pray furnish instructions for creation of an annexed page. The entire History of the Game of Maidens Chess will be moved to that page, keeping in the regular page of the game the rest of the information plus an internal hyper link to the annexed page.

There is no purpose for this other than to humor you. Just write content that is worth publishing, and don't treat this site as a vanity press.

Or if You do not wish to publish the game, then do not publish it. As easy as that.

I'm not against publishing the game. It's how you've written about it that I take issue with.

We are not particularly distinguished by our willingness to yield in what we believe to be RIGHT. It is often better to terminate relations than to yield.

What you believe is right is not actually right. You would do well to read some books on writing style, because your stuffy, longwinded style is not suitable here.

Receive, Sir, a Confederate Salute.

No, thanks. Although I have Confederate ancestors, I'm Union all the way.

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Block quote

Second paragraph in block quote

First Paragraph of response. Italics, bold, and bold italics.

Second Paragraph after blank line. Here is some HTML code mixed in with the Markdown, and here is the same <U>HTML code</U> enclosed by backticks.

Secondary Header: <H2>

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    This begins with even more indentation.
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An HTML construct using the tags <DL>, <DT> and <DD>.
A term
Its definition after a colon.
A second definition.
A third definition.
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The definition of that term.