Comments by George Duke

Kevin is pointing out currently that Gabriel Maura's Modern Chess allows the Bishops both to stay on same color binding. Sissa here also 9x9 requires one Bishop only per color and the other opposite after each has moved. Still a third way to keep symmetrical starting placement, 81 spaces again, and unique handling of paired Bishops is found in George Dekle's Chesquerque. There the Bishops always have wazir-step conversion option as a turn. So, Chesquerque Bishops late in the game can "re-double up" on the same half ( +/- 0.5 ) of the squares -- powerful tool.
Jim Aiken's Double Diamond ( 9x9, 72 squares ) has same anytime one orthogonal.
Another and earlier one Chancellor Chess (9x9) settled on unsymmetrical initial array, so Bishops alway on their own 40/41 "half." Likewise Gilman goes for off-center positioned Bishops for full square coverage in things like Bachelor Kamil ( 9x9 ).
I just changed email now for CVPage, noticing Glenn's commenting on this subject. I had the same two
paragraphs he records, and with successful new email, one of the two paragraphs is removed but not the other
one. Please check if the other paragraph can be removed now that it appears emails from CVP will be sent to new
address. Thanks. Everything else is fine about membership info: Favorites, Invented Games, Old Comments, and so on.

J. C. Hallman in 2004 'The Chess Artist' interviews Kirsan Ilyumzhinov at his multi-million Chess City, Kalmykia. Then the f.i.d.e. President says to the effect: whatever happens, or even thought of, in the mundane "real world," Chess has already been there, having visited every eventuality. So this Orwell '1984' by Overby.
As in '1984', three players Eurasia, East Asia. and Oceania. Everyone reviewing loved it except Charles Gilman. Maybe he is right one or two of the 7 piece-types could be tweaked. But this is perfectly symmetrical solution to three-player CV.
Three teams ebb and flow constrained from unfair alliance by cylindrical downwards and up, and by Shifting Alliances rule, and by Perpetual Powers rule. Variant pieces go back to year 1283 in Gryphon. King may move into check because the dice may free him. The '3x1's give where the Berolina pawns promote, and the seventh piece is promotee royal Maharajah.

It's hard to tell whether this appeared before or after Capablanca's. Legler a California chess champion puts one RN and one BN on 64.
Here are more CVs that use one Marshall RN and one Cardinal BN, the two deployed as companion pieces pairing one with the other most of the time.
Amazon Grand 1 + 1 + 1 Amazon RBN a.k.a. Maharajah, 100. Bird's 1+1 exact Carrera pieces, 80. Optimized 1 + 1, 80 squares. Demon 1+1+1A, 100. Elite 1+1+1, 88. Energizer 1+1, 64.
Thanks for the insight. What is meant by the sentence with boldface that Fergus quotes is chiefly those CVs that have the exact same pieces as Carrera did by 1615 -- 10 pawns, 2R 2N 2B Q K Marshall Cardinal. It is odd that they get matched together in so many CVs one of each, instead of paired with itself and placed symmetrically in array the usual way, say like two Rooks, one on one side and one other side of K-Q pair. And the way Janus does with paired Cardinal. And the way Gross does with pairs of each. The latter two CVs follow more accepted over-all practice and naturally appealing aesthetics.
The wording could have been better, and even now the clarification is not so easy because there are perhaps two hundred CVs inspired by Carrera. All of the usages are impossible to cast in a few sentences. Ones on 8x10 with the exact personnel are Schoolbook, Gothic, Paulovich's, Ladorean, Embassy, Victorian, Grotesque, Univers offhandedly to name a few. Winther at one time had more than ten additional in differing line-ups separately written up or board-displayed. Now Winther has Capablanca Relocation Chess as essentially 144 unique starting line-ups of again the very same piece mix. Trenholme and I counted 30 different inventors of Carrera-Capablanca form once. Then Capablanca Random may have up to 1000 arrays same pieces. And Carrera-Capablancas are special so that any new starting array or rules tweak is considered to be new Chess variant.
As well 10x10s like Grand have the like peculiarity of one RN and one BN along with normal King-Queen. No automatic disparagement is intended, more like scepticism, just noting the unusual predilection in, well, sarcastic "can't have one without the other."
By contrast, when wanting to use Nightrider, designer probably puts one on c1 and one on h1. Want Unicorn instead? Place them c1-h1 or maybe b1-i1. Leaper Gnu, put one a1/d1 and other j1/g1. But as a rule, Marshall on d1 somehow calls for not another corresponding Marshall g1, but that automatic companion piece Cardinal there instead.
Gilman is exception when using one RN as queen replacement. Also 9x9 Maura's Modern uses one BN with K-Q befitting the nine spaces. And Foster's Chancellor had done the same with nine spaces using King, Queen and one Marshall. So the quite a few examples of one only without the other can be looked at (favorably) in their own light, case by case.
Marshall RN and Cardinal BN are peculiar in that most CV designs do not pair them, but use one of each. Clearly they are two different piece-types. Other long-range pieces get the respect of generally being paired such as NN and the other Nightriders by Knappen, 40 some bifurcators by Winther, Cannon, Unicorn, you name it.
Exceptions that do use two of these same piece-types symmetrically in backrank are Janus Chess having two Cardinals on 8x10 and Gross Chess two Marshalls on 12x12 and also two BN. In CVs paired-piece placement especially long-range is just more aesthetic, when array is fixed. Carrera compounds are great idea from exactly 400 years ago to show how the Queen came about differently as RB (one hundred years earlier). Apparently though to most inventors, RN and BN cannot stand on their own hindlegs, you can't have one without the other. Credit Janus and Gross for not adhering to that philosophy. Another balking at the convention of Carrera types having special need is recently cited Chancellor Chess, which chooses one RN to exclusion of BN. Also Gilman quite often uses one only RN without BN; it seems better to either pair them or choose one or the other.
Schizophrenic Chess has a Left Schizzy and a Right Schizzy one on each side of King, two distinct types connected by different orientation in manner of movement. That's the sort of group Marshall and Cardinal are member of, along with things like Great Herd that just strings one of each kind of different leaper across 8x8, not pairing any of them.
The Carrera-Capablanca RN and BN should be in top twenty variant pieces for historical interest and to ease those addicted to 64 squares to try something radical.
Probably only small fraction of GMs know even what RN and BN are by name. Notwithstanding they get revived the same old way every generation -- chess master Bird in 1870s, Capablanca in 1920s, Seirawan 2000s. Their phony stance that it is something original. This thread 'Fatally Flawed Marshall Cardinal' started with 28 comments earlier same title '1', and this is continuation.

Bird in the 1870s and then Capablanca in 1920s get mention for re-using the Carrera pieces of RN and BN.
Ben Foster designed this 9x9 in the 1880s Chancellor Chess with RN and supported the invention with history and problems. The first link has text from the beginning of the 1889 book. It cites Carrera from the 1610s and Duke of Rutland from the 1740s.
"Steam was old, gravity was old, electricity was old, and printing was old, when Watt, and Newton, and Morse, and Gutenburg applied them respectively for the benefit of mankind." -- 'Chancellor Chess' book 1889
Also there: "weary of the old and monotonous debuts" and "seemingly ugly but very powerful chess piece," and "every player for a while will be put on his own resources."

How to compute piece values here? It's pointless to bother. Regulator move one forward or backward is determined by play on the small board of 35 squares. Too bad no one has experimented with the Regulator band on 8x8 with 7-square streak to the side for neat 71 square Chess Variant, a first for the size.
84-square Fourriere's Jacks and Witches lessens Bishop value to Knight by the 16-square hole in the center -- more detrimental to the Bishop now worth 2.5. Any different board size must affect piece values somewhat. A Fischer Random Chess array NBKRRQBN should benefit Rook to relative downgrading of Knight, maybe 5.3-2.7. But adherents to FRC have not gotten that far yet. So the starting line-up alone affects piece-values. Also do the Rules in and of themselves, such as obvious thing like Bishop one-time Wazir step conversion in some CVs.
Take the simple Regulator embodiment here. Level 6 of regulator makes Knight into Marshall, and Level 3 makes Bishop into Cardinal. If the board were 8x8, it's not definite which in a given game benefits more, Bishop or Knight, because there are going to be enough move- and capture-triggers to jockey the calibration up towards level 7 tactically pretty easily, and keep it there. Over the long haul however, Bishop value is going to show relative increase, on any rectangle 35 to 100. That is because of its compound to BN being in effect 5/7 of the time and the other to NR only 2/7 the time.
Next, there is room for subvariants, that either side can alter the calibration, let's say forward by agreed-on even number of steps across 7 and back to 1 and onward, in lieu of a move. That can include in the Regulator Band not just moving the Regulator but either of the two trigger levels the same way, as not overcomplicated move addition.

Fifteen years til the first comment and rating now.
Sava made New-Chess by 1973, in time for the second edition of Gollon's book. There are Marshall RN (but not Cardinal BN), Amazon RBN and Gnu N-Camel. Then Betza and Cohen came up with Tutti-Frutti in 1978 with the 'Capablanca two' and Amazon again, this time on 8x8. So it appears Betza and Cohen got some inspiration from then recent New-Chess and thought it important to put their similar piece mix on little 8x8. New CVs were fewer and further between those decades. In fact, Betza always designed 1970s through 2003 on 8x8 with two exceptions. His 'Outrigger' article adds files to get 8x10, and Chess on Really Big Board has four 8x8 boards for 256 squares.*
No allowing in New-Chess for Pawn three-step, but it has perfect implementation of modern free castling with the King moving over 2 or more but not past Rook. Gollon's book has a few dozen CVs exhibited, nothing like the couple thousand of Pritchard 'ECV' twenty years later.
Aronson calls Complete Permutation Chess more flamboyant 'Tutti-Uti-Frutti Chess' in that one's text, and if I had noticed the above sequence more carefully I would have approved TUF over bland CPC. Complete Permutation adheres to idea of using each possible bi-compound once -- originating in Betza & Cohen.
*Betza's Chessopoly and Race Chess are 64-square 4 x 16.

What makes it a bomb? That Bomb's only allowable capture takes itself out too, a one-time capture of up to four pieces. When exploding, it kills the first pieces in each orthogonal friend and foe. Defuser captures regularly as well as taking Bomb without further incident; but Bomb only explode-captures. They have respectively three- and two-step Rook mobility this CV.
Bombing is recursive, so legal capture of Bomb by other than Defuser can set off another Bomb, up to four altogether for two a side if they align right -- taking up to 13 pieces theoretically in a series of explosions. Since any piece-type however it moves, can be given the Bombing characteristic along its pathways, this can be thought of as a Mutator too. Bombing of course is also like later Rococo Swapper suicide mutual destruction. There is some earlier precedent Bomberman is borrowing on, and analogue to rifle capture, which along Queen line can be too strong.

Probably the failing of Jacks & Witches now sixteen years is the weak value of the Jack.
The five paired pieces of Bilateral carry over, with values estimating Pawn 1, Lion 2, Knight 3, Bishop 2.5, Rook 5, King 2, Cannon 6, Witch 7. Nine piece-types on 84 is near routine piece-type density 10%, the way Orthochess has 6 types on 64 squares. Bishop lessens vis Knight for the chopped board. The four transporter squares do not disproportionately affect the p-vs, and power density does appear to be under regular 60% a bit. Not justifying power calculations here, the idea is total piece values to board size -- the way orthodox shows 39/64.
Witch is the great innovation, but Jack needs some work. Being in hand and moving out of its eye are admirable, but Jack's regular movement when not doing Eye mode could just use strengthening rather than any overcomplication. Instead of mere Waz/Ferz, one of Falcon or Squirrel or Bent Hero or something could be nice balance. And at the same time that would up the power density proportion to match the fundamentalist Chess FIDE 60%.

Raumschach had been invented the previous decade, and T. R. Dawson had devised Nightrider and Grasshopper and Canon.
Jetan is nearing 100 years old, a Martian variety of Chess on decimal board. Edgar Rice Burroughs ran 'Chessmen of Mars' in 'Argosy Weekly' Jan.-Nov. 1921. Then an inmate of Leavenworth Prison,* Elston Sweet, presented a carved piece set, and Burroughs added an Appendix to the first novel edition published 1922, explaining the rules better. Larry Smith here gives further air to the possible different interpretations.
In the story the game is played lifesize at the arena in Barsoonian location of Manator in a fight to the death. In the surrounding culture Kaldanes are mostly brain, and Rykors headless bodies Kaldanes use as vehicles.
Whichever combination of piece move rules are accepted, there are two-step movers and three-step movers, so no long-rangers -- befitting the science fiction hand to hand combat. I hold interpretations of the Rules that give six of the eight piece-types multiple paths, two up to five as it turns out for different pieces, as sliders, bent and not, to arrival squares. It's not the approach Smith and Cazaux take, but it would seem to be vital how many ways each one has to get from departure to target.
Where can it go, and how does it get there? -- is more crucially pre-scientific.
Burroughs says teams are not obligated to wager in play, and Larry broaches the subject in detail for the first time, but it is left mostly for the future. That is, in what form Martian Chess will accommodate allowed wagering.
*While incarcerated in Atlanta Penitentiary socialist Eugene Debs garnered a million votes for President in 1920 -- while 'Chessmen' was running serially. At the Manator arena slaves and prisoners, including nobles, are the pieces.

Sissa is twenty years old this month. Sissa reaches by two different pathways each Rook square and each Nightrider square. The slides are its own, unlike those of regular R and regular NN.

Parton made Neutral King in 1953, where player has own orthodox pieces but the King is co-owned and
yet has to be checkmated. Simple and elegant. Most of Gilman's CVs are hurt by overcomplications in
piece-moves, odd board sizes, too many special rules, or attempt hybridizing Eastern chesses with forced
templates. Once in a while he strikes paydirt such as AltOrthHex idea of splitting up the hexagonal Rook
into two, though nobody has really done anything with that either.
Neutral Subject realizes that Parton's Mutator has wider applicability. Here player only has King and Queen to begin. Neutral pieces get moved and then assigned to one side or the other. The criterion to assign is applied at end of each turn according to hypothetical attack of each 'Neutral' on any piece already assigned. Who wouldn't want more pieces rather than fewer? Many other CVs could be made in this genre of the pieces on board not belonging to either army initially.
Charles' novel CV invention, expanding on Parton, gets somewhat awkward explanation in his essay. Like Aronson and Howe with Rococo, great idea is not followed up with clear summary fully disambiguating.
Still in all, there could be other ways to set up the bazaar of recruitment to build the forces in subvariants and new CVs this type of possible breakthrough Mutator.

This is a straightforward CV by Gilman. To suit the constricted board, he decides to use Shogi promotees for Bishop and Rook, adding Wazir and Ferz respectively. Pawns are Centennial-acclaimed Quadra-pawns. Some restriction on Knight at inside corners. That's it. Should be playable enough short games.
But the piece in right corner needs correction to King.

Collossus is DAN. Titan is TZCH, any square three away: Tripper(3,3) Camel Zebra Trebuchet (0,3). By and large, tri-compounds and up are not much implemented, probably still under 100 times -- counting separately repeat use within the same games write-up.

Typhoon is FA + R3, tri-compound. Emperor of E. has all three of Strong's and Joyce's NWH plus FDATZC, 9-compound reaching everything within the 7x7.

This Frog is quad-compound WFTH, that is Wazir Ferz Tripper(3,3) Trebuchet(0,3). Emperor is WDA.
Lioness is quint-compound WFDNA, that Betza already hypothesized in the nineties, all the squares inside 5x5 from a central starting square.

Frog here is NFH, that is tri-compound Ferz Wazir Trubuchet(0,3). Fort here is Rook + Ferz + Tripper(3,3).
Trebuchet(0,3) + Knight is Catapult. Wazir + Knight is Marshlander because the radial and oblique are short-range by Man & Beast 08. Joyce's WNH Gilman could call Wazir Catapult, but it's not that strict. Many bi-compounds he names for the first time he puts in actual CV of his 250.
Staying within approved 5x5 there are thousands of piece-types to generate if including divergent capture, forward- backward- sideways-only, and sequential. Just look at Joyce and Bagley-Jones "Short-range Project" for some. Serious tri-compounds not straying outside that box are done by Hedden, Gilman and Betza a little. Squirrel of NDA is rare case of established-name tri. ( Word 'trebuchet' is used in Chess Morality XI, comparing the weapon to modern rocket, in lead-up to changing scientific 'big bang' to more apt 'glowth'. )
What is the 'H' part? Charles Gilman has over 100 pieces named starting with H in Man & Beast index.
Wazir + Knight + H, if you define H, Gilman probably named, but he may not have. And it probably
does not start with an 'h', whatever tri-compound you are referring to.
Follow-up, okay you must mean wazir knight Hero, and that's optional sequential type Charles did not do in twenty-odd M&B, and all the more Betza did not bother with. It is interesting though: move as W or as N and stop, or continue one more leg in the other mode, if not having captured. There is no formal name for that, so call it what you want. In M&B08 he names W + N Marshlander; the -Landers combine a radial and an oblique.
Fiction is permitted here such as Glenn Nicholls' 'Fortress of the Witch' or Paul Leno's 'Gridlock' or Betza 'Nemeroth', at the same time representative of actual CVs. The backdrop of Poems I to XX is that Chess changes every 500 years, regardless of technology or other customs. In primitive Europe 1200-1500,
supposedly the "Chess Moralities" some centuries were the second most hand-copied book after Bible by church scholars.
So it was fun to update "moralities" 2000-2007 on the idea that Falcon, reaching the non-Biship-Knight-Rook squares
is somehow logical sequence. Connection with actual history is that past transitions in Chess were roughly c. 500 Chaturanga, c. 1000 Shatranj, c. 1500 regina rabiosa.

In a Chess context, Morality XIV touches on philosophers and immortality of Kevin and
Aurelian dialogue in current Nextchess topic.
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Jumping Chess originates the edge squares that Rococo uses two years later. Bishop captures like International Draughts diagonally and Rook like Turkish/Israeli draughts orthogonally. Except no plural captures, and in JC the line pieces slide any distance beforehand. But no displacement capture at all here. Jumping concepts are bandied about in 'ECV' a few times, but credit this improvement for the rim accessible only capturing.
JC may create too many defensive positions for most aesthetics.
JC year-2000 date of invention harkens to V. R. Parton's booklet 'My Games for 2000 a.d. and After' published 1972. There the CV "2000 AD" sources pieces for 30 years later great Rococo. Firsthand, Rococo is basically a derivative Ultima (1962).
( Contrariwise, Robert Abbott himself weighed in early Rococo comment that no need for border squares, just get rid of them. ) See next how Rococo draws on both Abbott and Parton. 20th century the chief variantists were Boyer, Parton, Betza and Dawson, but Dawson didn't bother with designing actual CVs.
The Rococo pieces straight out of Abbott's Ultima are Withdrawer, Immobilizer, Long Leaper, Chameleon. And the Rococo pieces straight out of 2000 A. D. are Ximaera and Swapper. Ximaera gets re-named Advancer. Finally, Rococo takes its own inventor's border squares from JC and adds that great novelty Cannon Pawn.
Perimeter-squared JC has little play, but Rococo, when adding its subvariants Push-Pull and Mirror, has the same number 10 rank approximately of near-form Ultima at Game Courier. And several ahead of them are a standard Chess form around hundred(s) years. Or combine play numbers of Ultima and Rococo and they are number 3. So arguably derived-form Rococo is a topmost world-class CV. Thanks to contribution of porous out-migration squares from selfsame JC.