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This page is written by the game's inventor, Gvndly.

Chess Poker

The overall structure of this chess poker is similar to that of ordinary poker—a group of players, each starting with some amount of chips or money, plays a series of standalone hands, exchanging money during each. Just as in ordinary poker, any number of players can play, but it works best with about 7. These instructions assume basic knowledge of chess and poker.


Equipment: Deck of cards. Chess set. (In rare situations, you will need 2 extra kings and queens, but most of the time an ordinary chess set is sufficient.) Dice. (5 or 6 dice should be enough for most games, but some situations may require you do use any amount up to triple the amount of players.) 4 checkers. Money or chips for betting with. Additional chips to be used as markers. (Every player is represented by a different type of chip, and you need 3 chips for each player. You also need 4 special chips of another type.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules: Each hand of chess poker has two main phases: dealing/betting and playing for the pot. Dealing/betting is analogous to the dealing/betting phase of poker, and playing for the pot is analogous to revealing hands and comparing them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dealing/betting: Just as in poker, there are many different ways to implement this phase. Players can agree on which method to use, or the dealer of each hand can choose which method to use. The most basic requirements are that there is a pot and that each player ends up with a hand of 3 cards, although even these rules are flexible. A simple method could proceed like this: 1. The dealer gives each player one card face down, and the players look at their own cards. 2. A poker-style round of betting happens. (In clockwise order, each player can call, raise, or fold.) 3. Steps 1 and 2 are executed twice more. Possible variants could include the use of face-up cards, community cards, wild cards, etc. If all players but one fold, that player takes the pot, and a new hand begins. Otherwise, the remaining players play for the pot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing for the pot: Every card corresponds to a fairy chess piece and is represented by a piece of equipment. Which piece corresponds to which card can be decided by the dealer or by the group as a whole before each hand is dealt, but the chart below shows an example set of correspondences that can be used as a default. Card--------------------------Piece--------------------------Representation on Board A-----------------------------Amazon-------------------------Die set to 1 K-----------------------------Mann---------------------------King Q-----------------------------Queen--------------------------Queen J-----------------------------Rook---------------------------Rook 10----------------------------Bishop-------------------------Bishop 9-----------------------------Knight-------------------------Knight 8-----------------------------Hobbit-------------------------Pawn 7-----------------------------Checker King*------------------Checker 6-----------------------------Cannon-------------------------Die set to 6 5-----------------------------Ferz---------------------------Die set to 5 4-----------------------------Wazir--------------------------Die set to 4 3-----------------------------Friend-------------------------Die set to 3 2-----------------------------Orphan-------------------------Die set to 2 *Capture not obligatory. The players who remain after the dealing/betting phase gather the three pieces corresponding to their cards. Using the same rotation as in the dealing/betting phase, these players take turns placing 1 piece on any vacant square of the board until all of their pieces have been placed. (Players should put marker chips under their pieces to indicate whom each piece belongs to.) Now, using the same rotation, players take turns moving one of their pieces or passing. Players may capture pieces belonging to any opponents. After every round of playing (every player moving or passing once) the border of the board is removed. (So, 28 squares are removed after the first round, 20 are removed after the second round and 12 are removed after the third round.) This can be indicated by placing the four special chips on the corner squares after the first round and moving them one square diagonally toward the center after each subsequent round. Any pieces on the removed squares are captured, and pieces cannot move to squares that have already been removed. (So, each player will move a maximum of 4 times during each hand.) If, at any time, only 1 player has pieces left on the board, that player takes the pot. If the fourth round ends and multiple players have pieces left, they split the pot. If any side pots have been created, the ranking of the players is the reverse order in which they were eliminated.

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By Gvndly.
Web page created: 2020-04-27. Web page last updated: 2020-04-27