Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

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Objective Bastardo

If you had a Java-capable browser, you could play Objective Bastardo here.
Keys "s"=save "l"=load "b"=back once

Italian variant. Each plays for himself/herself. Each side has some advantage. Here I have made them public.

"Bare king wins" means your side wins if only your king is left, unless another side achieved the objective on the same move.

"3 checks in a row" means you deliver check to at least one king on each of three successive moves. I omitted the bonuses for checking two kings or checking with two pieces.

"Take 5 pawns" means to capture 5 pawns directly or by winning them by taking the king.

"Take a particular king" means you win if you capture that king, or the king of the side that captured it.

"Take 10 units" means to capture 10 units directly. This does not include the death knight. Thanks BGillis13 for pointing out the miscount.

"Death knight" may be replaced if captured. I did not allow the death knight the power of moving to any empty square except when it is returning from being captured. "Bonus amazon" replaces the rook.

"Royal queen" can pass over squares under enemy attack. She may not take a king in his home corner. It may not capture a king that is supported or attacked by another side. I omitted the rule about a queen winning by capturing any king.

"Spectre king" can be taken only by an amazon.


Chess Variants

These are simple illustrations rather than strong opponents.

Bug Reports -- Thank you! Keep them coming!

Written by Ed Friedlander

WWW Page Added: Sunday, June 30, 2002