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George Duke wrote on Tue, Dec 21, 2010 06:37 PM UTC:
Programming and Poetry unlike opposites are both image-making in fact. Here the one comment is of the chess history: Today's total lunar eclipse corresponding to north winter Solstice is but event twice before the entire common era two millennia past, the last one the year 1638. The Mystic Massacre year 1637 started the many holocausts N. American right after Harvard got founded year 1636 the timeline; separate-region Aztec slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands had begun 1518 after perhaps a million ''Indians'' already killed in Caribbean 1492 on.  Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'(1610) later poeticizes chess-playing Ferdinand and Miranda precisely on a west indies isle. Luna(the Pawn) describes another Moon-earth activity, the lunar standstill, which occurs every 18.6 years recently in 2006.  Another recounting of Chess history towards down-to-earth Rabelais 16th-century exists: The common wisdom is in denial that there were 125 million indigenous people in North and South America as of 1500, or rather 1492.  People smart and aware enough multiply to identify by megalithic and other construction profound astronomies.  Western expansionism, emboldened by christian supremacy and inventions like the chess and rifles, drove their number down 90% over 4 centuries. Lost along with hundreds of languages are many table games of movement and chance developed in Americas occupied by ancient chiefly farming civilisations.

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