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George Duke wrote on Sat, Nov 8, 2008 04:30 PM UTC:
Game Courier is welcome to use or reinstate Falcon presets, which I have not played over a year now. Whatever anyone may want in the future. Ed Trice saw Falcon patent and then quickly got one of his own in response. That is the true unknown history. He just patented anything handy to patent for its own sake. The patent expired after several years and no longer exists. Gothic's pointless patent was always for that one little CV, whereas Falcon, whose idea of patenting he was jealous, stretches to millions of alternatives 8x10 and larger. So many alternatives is to protect from copycats. Tony Quintanilla or David Howe may be interested in fulfilling others' interests in Falcon Presets some day, and I take no offense at present action. Besides Quintanilla, Abdul-Rahman Sibahi and Jeremy Good did the work on them. If the lesser calibre of the remaining active CVPage long-termers is in question, the pathetic attempt at humour with no style whatsoever by Zillions man Smith stands for itself. Strangely, I never have bad will to Duniho. He is knowledgeable about CVs, intelligent with good vocabulary showing interests other than CVs, and a solid but unimaginative designer, recycling known quantities in above average designs. Duniho has maintained constant hostility toward Falcon, badgering me out of one tournament, for which I got up to 10 automatic timed losses, and revoking my Comment privilege without review. Hence the gap in my Comments from April 2005 to June 2007(scroll back 600-700 Comments), at which time I responded to Charles Gilman's use of Falcon in Armies of Faith -- after Quintanilla set up normal standard commenting again. Yet smart Duniho may eventually see the light.

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