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George Duke wrote on Mon, Jul 21, 2008 05:00 PM UTC:
This is far from the only time Gilman gets rid of King or Queen or both. Gilman is avowed anti-monarchist and still does this. Gilman's Irwell(2007), regional form for the ''South Pennine metropolitan areas,'' even has four Marshalls(RN) -- Carrera Champions -- per side. And NO KING. We asked Gilman on 18.June.2007 since he persists, why not instead for Irwell just ''re-name King and Queen? How about 'Nik' and 'Neek', King and Queen spelled backwards?'' Many a non-Gilman CV claims novelty solely on grounds of differing names. Just call the central pieces Nick and Neek ( don't look into their proverbial eye when saying that ) and keep the lone proviso ''White cannot castle.'' Gilman here has ''White cannot castle'' right before the picture. That would be plenty for fine new fairy CV by ongoing standards. It may also actually be perfect equaliser for FIDE Mad Queen. Here rather, Magna Carta Black Pawns promote to King or Queen for spares. In turn, White gets to promote to more royal Centaur(BN) and Champion(RN). Both sides must keep one of the both. Gilman changed winning condition, in response to Comments. Theoretically now, there could be 8 or 9, or even 16 or 18 or 20 royal pieces on board at once. Figure out the rest of the symbolism, and you get Rules-set still not so readily balanced between White and Black as typical Betza Chess-Unequal-Armies team. That was the lament of commenters Paletta, Fourriere, Lavieri et al. five years ago. Hey it takes time to get it right. [Fergus Duniho 16.September.2003: ''While I expect that White's object is to checkmate Black's King, what is Black's object?'']

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