Check out Smess, our featured variant for February, 2025.

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Alekhine Chess. Named in honor of Alexander Alekhine, World Chess Champion 1927-1935, 1937-1946.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Kevin Pacey wrote on Tue, Feb 14, 2023 03:14 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

I'd rate this game as average, but that option seems to be lost from the rating system's choices these days (just 'None', 'Poor', 'Good' and 'Excellent' are available to choose from, at least for this game and many others I've seen for quite a while).

The great power of the pieces chosen for the setup of this CV may be a bit much for 14x8, but this game has somehow proved popular (at least in the past). It might especially appeal to novices (at least none of the piece movement rules seem at all difficult to master, if one has played chess).

What might improve this CV is if there were a way to quickly bring the king to safety (if that's possible), or to at least get nearer to connecting the rooks. For example, my 'Fast Castling' rules might be used, as first put forward in the following CV: