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That many prefer to play on squares and in cubes should not discourage innovation in other fields. Charles Gilman makes a tremendous breakthrough in AltOrthHex for hexagons. It pushes back the problem of the Wellisch versus Glinski/McCooey orientations for diagonals to less than dominant importance. How? Of all things, by creating another dichotomy of orientation, namely for Rook. See Forerook and Hindrook. My remark preferentially for rectilinear 2d and 3d was not meant to be off-putting (so long as rules-sets exhibit some discretion). Maybe Gilman should have variant of AltOrthHex without the full Rook. This is great, but I have nagging recollection I saw this splitting up in some old board game with hexagons. Still it does not appear to be recorded anywhere as a CV. Now Gilman has so many CVs, I went to the hexagonal index to find great A.O.H., forgetting the name; and there is was under 'A'.