Check out Glinski's Hexagonal Chess, our featured variant for May, 2024.

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James wrote on Tue, Jul 13, 2004 11:45 PM UTC:
From someone helping with Bandai's demos and game play.  Trying to answer
some of the questions I've seen:

I believe that there will be 31 pieces total in the first series (7 each
in 2 starters and 17 pieces only available in the boosters.  There is a
checklist in the instruction booklet that comes with the starters.  Hope I
remembered it correctly.

Right now the rules allow you to have any 7 masetai that you wish on your
side.  No duplicates unless you have a painted and unpainted figure.  The
theory behind allowing any pieces of your choice is that if you pick
figures that all have to high of a drapting cost (the more powerful
figures) that you will never earn enough gyullas to use them.  So you need
to balance your team.  We'll just have to see how this works out because
I'm not sure if the theory will work or not.

Because there are 3 different ways to win you may pick very different
pieces from your opponent.  Again, we will have to see if this theory
works out or if everyone is going to play with the same figures.

Bandai is having very small informal tournaments at some of the summer
conventions.  So far Origins, Anime Expo, San Diego Comic Con.  First
officially scheduled tournament will be at Gen Con Indy.  We have been
having the players draft pieces from the 2 starters to form their side and
it has worked out pretty well so far.  Not sure how Gen Con Indy will be
run yet.  Prizes have included starters and boosters for the top couple of

Hope this helps a little.

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