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Aurelian Florea wrote on Sun, Jul 31, 2022 11:58 AM UTC in reply to H. G. Muller from 10:06 AM:

I have copied a non finished game from my each grand apothecary diagrams. I have put it in a notepad text file. I am trying to copy it back but it does not work with edge. Firefox does give me that error though. Look try it for yourself:

The alert game:

{123456789} 1. f7 i8 2. h6 h8 3. f6 g9 4. e7 Gi10 5. Nf5 Ni9 6. Gi6 Mi12 7. Ic6 Vk7 8. Ixi12 Gxi12 9. Jh4 Oj9 10. Gg6 Vk8 11. i6 Vk9 12. Oc6 d10 13. i7 Wk10 14. ixh8 Wxh8 15. Gj6 Oh9 16. Gj8 Vj9 17. Wk5 Oxc6 18. Xxc6 We6 19. Jxe6 Vxj8 20. Nh4 Ij9 21. Je4 Gi10 22. Bg6 Ik8 23. Wxi8 Gxi8 24. k7 Vl9 25. Jxi8 Fk9 26. Vj6 Fxg6 27. Uxg6 Ii10 28. Vj8 Vxj8 29. Jxi9 Nh11 30. Jxh11 Qxh11 31. kxj8 Ixf7 32. Uxf7 Yxf7 33. Ne5 Ye9 34. Jxa12 Jxa12 35. Fj7 Bxj5 36. Rlk3 g10 37. Rk8 Ff9 38. Fb6

The classic game:

{123456789} 1. f7 i8 2. h6 h8 3. f6 g9 4. e7 Ek10 5. Nf5 Ne10 6. i7 Yh9 7. ixh8 gxh8 8. Uxh8 Bg9 9. Ui9 Hh11 10. Ng7 Yi11 11. Hh4 Yg10 12. Uj8 Eh10 13. Ul9 Ei9 14. Uh5 Yc8 15. Ee4 Ya7 16. Fd5 f8 17. exf8 Bxf8 18. Fb7 Bd6 19. Le5 Bxe5 20. dxe5 Nd8 21. Fd5 Le10 22. Hj6 Lf10 23. Nh9 Eh10 24. Nxf10 exf10 25. Uxk11 Ii12 26. Xd7 Fi10 27. Uxi12 Jxi12 28. Xxd8 Fxj6 29. Xxj6 d9 30. Ni5 Uk10 31. Eeh4 Je11 32. Je4 Ng9 33. f8 Ni6 34. Exi6 Bxi6 35. j5 Bk8 36. l7 Ff9 37. Rab3 Yb9 38. Txk8

The modern game:

{123456789} 1. f7 i8 2. h6 h8 3. f6 g9 4. e7 Ci10 5. Nef5 Nh9 6. Je4 Sh11 7. Jf4 d9 8. i5 Nee9 9. Sh4 We10 10. g6 Si11 11. Wh5 Wd7 12. Jd5 Wc8 13. Je4 Wd7 14. Sg5 Wxe4 15. Dxe4 Nk9 16. Dxd9 Cd10 17. Da8 b9 18. Db6 Nc8 19. Dc7 Shf9 20. Dd5 Yb11 21. Si4 Sk8 22. Xi7 Sj7 23. Xxi8 Sxg5 24. Nxg5 Nxi8 25. h7 Nk9 26. b7 Nb10 27. We6 Sg10 28. Xc6 Yh9 29. Ya6 Yj8 30. Nh4 e10 31. Nhi6 Yh9 32. Fc7 Sh11 33. Ck5 b8 34. Fg8 Te11 35. Lh4 Ni7 36. Yh3 f9 37. Fi8 Xi9 38. Cxi7

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