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George Duke wrote on Fri, Jul 25, 2008 05:20 PM UTC:
In Chess and Physics(2001), Mathematician Joao Pedro Neto begins, ''Claude asked me to say a word and then try to invent a game with that word in mind. I said INERTIA.'' The rest is history, as far as Magnetic, Gravity, Entropy, Chaos, all 19,689 J.P.Neto says present themselves as Physics-themed. We knew we had seen before such name-first technique when re-describing it at own thread early 2008. Let's give credit where credit is due. ''By the HORSE method, CV enthusiasts can just think of a name and then design the CV. This naming-first has been done, we suspect, with such as Alice Chess, DragonChess...'' (two inventors no longer alive to defend themselves, so stopping our printemps list right there) Beside the foregoing comment, our ProblemThemesTwo 29.April.2008 adds nearby, ''Every word a game. Anyone making a CV can use the HORSE method. It is not so uncommon.'' Now so J.P. Neto for one explicitly uses it earlier. Not only that, the Method of Operation is really close to some other CVPage frequenters' applied philosophy: merely think themed CVs widely. The Simple idea just calls for starting with the target name, or theme, then working up some matching rules, or other, as more-or-less serious afterthought. Easy as that, try it yourself at home. In opposite fashion, other designers oftentimes may have their own given Rules-set finally perfected, only then and for the life of them totally unable to think up a good name -- or having to change it later. [Within, very good Magnetic Chess became keystone of this Neto -- who originated useful term 'Mutator' -- series for follow-up.]

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