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Kriegspiel Referee is a computer program. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, War game, Hidden information. This item is located on a site outside of

Kriegspiel RefereeA computer program
. Program that serves as a Kriegspiel referee.

Author: Mac . Inventor: Henry Michael Temple.


A team of QBasic programmers have created a program which acts the part of a Kriegspiel referee. Thus it is possible for two players to play a game (like correspondence chess of old days) via email, etc. Unfortunately, it cannot run interactively. The players do much like the old snail-mail correspondence chess players did. Well, a bit faster using email or posting in the forum itself. Even more unfortunately, the other programmers just did it as a fun programming assignment and have no interest in actually playing. So I would like to make some posts on your forum to try to get a player (or more). Mac

Other Information

The board used for this game has 8 row(s), 8 column(s), 3 levels/boards, 192 cells/squares.

Invented in the year 2006. [2005-2007]. [2001-2011].

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  • Crazyhouse Kriegspiel. Combines Crazyhouse with Kriegspiel. (8x8, Cells: 64) By David Dana-Bashian.
  • Romulan Chess. Kriegspiel variant: played with a referee where pieces cloak and uncloak. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Steve Kramer and Hans L. Bodlaender.
  • One-Eye Chess (Blind). Kriegspiel variant where one side can see, but lacks both Knights, a Bishop and the Queen. Author: Ed Friedlander.
  • One-Eye Chess (Sighted). Kriegspiel variant where one side can see, but lacks both Knights, a Bishop and the Queen. Author: Ed Friedlander.
  • Index Maintenance

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