Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

This page is written by the game's inventor, Roberto Lavieri.

The Travelers

This is an unorthodox game, very different from Western Chess. It is a strange game, but it is very nice, and regardless the apparent simplicity of some pieces and rules, it is a very complex and deep game. The object of the game is to move TWO pieces, called TRAVELERS, to the last rank.  The Travelers are uncapturable pieces, you can "attack" a Traveler (Check), but you can´t capture it. A Traveler in Check can remain in the same square, you are not obligated to move it. Nevertheless, a Traveler CAN´T move to a position in which it can be captured ( a Traveler can´t move to a position in which it is in Check). A Traveler can be MOVED by an enemy piece, called the DISPLACER, but if a Traveler has reached the last rank, it can´t be displaced, it is going to be explained later. Almost all pieces in this game, except the Displacer, move in the same manner: in the eight Queen directions, but only up-to-three squares. The Displacer moves as a Queen. The pieces per team are: Two "Travelers", One Block, One "Displacer", Four "Aces", Two "Deuces" and Two "Treys".


- - - T D T - - -
1 3 2 1 B 1 3 2 1
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
1 3 2 1 B 1 3 2 1
- - - T D T - - -


Travelers (T): Can move in the eight directions, up-to-three positions. A Traveler can´t capture pieces, neither being captured. A Traveler can´t move into Check, but if in Check, it is not obligatory that you move your Traveler. When a Traveler reaches the last rank, it can´t move, neither being displaced. You win the game if your two Travelers reach the last rank.

Displacer (D): Can move as Queens. If a Displacer lands on a square orthogonally adjacent to an enemy piece, you can DISPLACE the enemy piece(except a Block) and send it to ANY EMPTY square in the vertical line or the horizontal line defined by the Displacer´s landing square. A Displacer can´t displace a Traveler that has reached the last rank.

Block (B): Moves in the eight directions, up-to-three squares. A Block can´t capture, neither being captured. A Block can´t be displaced. A Block can´t never move to the first or to the last rank.

Ace (1): Moves in the eight directions, up-to-three squares. An Ace can capture a piece at distance 1 in the eight directions, except a Traveler or a Block.

Deuce (2): Moves in the eight directions, up-to-three squares. A Deuce can capture a piece at distance exactly 2 in the eight directions, regardless there is or not an intermediate piece in the path. They can´t capture Travelers or Blocks.

Trey (3): Moves in the eight directions, up-to-three squares. A Trey can capture a piece at distance exactly 3 in the eight directions, regardless there are or not intermediate pieces in the path. They can´t capture Travelers or Blocks.


You win the game if your pair of Travelers reach the last Rank.
Three times repetition is a draw. 50 moves without captures is a draw.
If a Displacer displaces the enemy Displacer, the last one can´t displace again the first Displacer in the next turn. This rule is to avoid some cases of possible three-times repetitions.


Strategy is not trivial, this complex game is very different from Chess, but the game play is really nice, Try it!.

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By Roberto Lavieri.
Web page created: 2006-01-18. Web page last updated: 2006-01-18