External Link
Since the original link to 3D-Schach is broken, the link now goes to an archived copy at the Internet Archive:This site features a three-dimensional chess variant of sizes 8 by 8 by 8; the author of the site is one of the inventors. An extensive description can be found, and some nice pictures of the set.
20 Mar 2021: Link updated. Old link was:
This 'link page' is meant to provide a link to another website. Note that we have no connection to, nor bear responsibility for the linked sites.
Web page created: 1997-05-07. Web page last updated: 2004-08-23
See Also
3D-Schach. Chess on an 8 by 8 by 8 board (German Language)
SELECT * FROM IndexEntry LEFT JOIN Item USING (ItemID) WHERE LinkItemID = '3DSchach' AND IsHidden=0 AND IsDeleted=0 ORDER BY CONCAT(Type,LinkText)