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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `LinkText` LIKE 'El%' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
- Elbow Room. Usual set of pieces and eight additional pawns per player on 8 by 16 board. (16x8, Cells: 128) By David Short.
- Elbow Room . Usual set of pieces and eight additional pawns per player on 8 by 16 board. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: David Short.
- Electrum Chess. All the Goldchess and Silverchess back-rank pieces in a single variant. (9x9, Cells: 81) By Charles Gilman.
- Elena . Chess on 5 by 6 board. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Sergey Sirotkin.
- Elena Chess . Chess on 5 by 6 board. Author: Uwe Wiedemann. Inventor: Sergey Sirotkin.
- Elena Chess. Chess on 5 by 6 board. (5x6, Cells: 30) By Sergey Sirotkin.
- The Elephant. Jumps two diagonally (see Alfil). Author: Fergus Duniho.
- Elephant (Xiangqi). Moves two squares diagonally (non-jumping).
- Elephant Chess. Featuring the time-honoured Burmese Elephant. By M Winther.
- Elephant Chess Club. Webshop selling internationalized Xiangqi and Shogi sets.
- Elephant Hecatomb. Similar to Hecatomb Chess. (9x8, Cells: 72) By (zzo38) A. Black.
- Elephant Hunt. Ituri Forest Pygmi traditional game with chess-like elements. Author: Tony Quintanilla. Inventor: Freederick .
- Elephant Hunt . Ituri Forest Pygmi traditional game with chess-like elements. By Freederick .
- Elephant Hunt. Ituri Forest Pygmi traditional game with chess-like elements. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Freederick .
- Elephant_Shogi. A Traditional Shogi game with Elephants added. (11x9, Cells: 64) By wdtr2.
- Elevator. Three-dimensional chess variant with moving elevators and walking, vaulting and flying pieces. Author: Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Ben Good.
- Elevator. Three-dimensional chess variant with moving elevators and walking, vaulting and flying pieces. (4x(8x8), Cells: 192) By Ben Good.
- Elevator Chess. Multiple boards with simultaneous games are linked through central elevator squares. By Ralph Betza.
- Elite Chess. Elite Chess adds an Amazon to Capablanca's Game by adding one more row to the board. By Stephen R. Stockman.
- Elk Chess. The double-barrelled Elk moves differently depending on square colour. By M Winther.
- Elk Chess (with Scorpions). Poisonous Scorpion pawns combined with the restive Elk, that changes with the colour of the square. By M Winther.
- Elkrider Chess. Elkrider plus regular pieces. The Elkrider moves like a Nightrider if standing on white squares, otherwise it moves like a Rook. By M Winther.
- Elmore, Jeff. Website of Jeff Elmore: 3D Chess Sets and Instructions. Author: Jeff Elmore.
- Elven Chess. Play this 10x10 variant with a double-capturing piece on Jocly. Author: H. G. Muller and Michel Gutierrez. Inventor: H. G. Muller.
- Elven Chess. Chu Shogi Lion, Dragon Horse, Dragon King, Guard on Grand Chess type setup. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: H. G. Muller.
- Elven Chess. 10x10 variant with 4 new pieces, of which one can double-capture. (10x10, Cells: 100) By H. G. Muller.
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