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George Duke wrote on Tue, Dec 13, 2016 07:20 PM UTC:

"Analyze the motion of a smooth flat coin rolling inside the rough surface of a hollow ellipsoid balanced on the back of a hemispherical tortoise ambling at constant speed straight up a hill of uniform gradient on Saturn, of Sol." In that problem many assumed values can work the math with the right equations.

Likewise piece values, changing with board and array, are problematical compared to mere definitions of types. This topic is for Lists of piece-types, so that all of them are accessible. The first samples were one French Glossary, one German, one by George Jelliss, and one by M. Winther. Notice Winther estimates value for each defined piece. To add about 20 more long lists, Charles Gilman is very accurate once you understand what he means, and he never does values. In Index just under 'A' there are about 150 definitions: Letter_A.

Continuation to 'B' and through the alphabet turns up around 2000 piece-types -- without values. Gilman and Betza are the only designers who saw fit to make over 150 CVs. In contrast to Gilman, Betza of course is full of estimated values. Betza was always the best at including values and also at giving sample game scores. Betza never did a glossary though. (And for that matter he never went outside the simple 8x8 box, except Outrigger 8x10 and his particular Double Chess. Gilman has every imaginable board size and the most three-dimension CVs ever done.)

Half of 'S' by Gilman:

S_1/2 End of each leads in next letter.

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