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Chess Variants of Sándor Nagy is a game information page. It is categorized as: Two dimensional, Three or more players, Unorthodox shaped board, Board with hexagonal shaped cells. This item is located on a site outside of

Chess Variants of Sándor NagyA game information page
. Link to Hungarian web page.

By Sándor Nagy.


New Chess by Sándor Nagy from Hungary is a website, where he gives rules and a program for several chess variants, invented by him or by Z.Kemeny. The site is written in the Hungarian language.

Dual Color Chess. Four players chess variant played in two teams, on 11 by 11 board.
Quad Color Chess. Four players chess variant, where each player plays separately, on 11 by 11 board.
Nasa-chess. Players have cannons which take by shooting arrows.
Triangle-chess. Three players variant on hexagonal board.
Star-chess. Four players chess variant on board in form of star.

The program can be used (according to the description, as I did not try it out yet) to play these, and hexagonal and traditional chess over the web.

15 Feb 2022: Link updated. Old link was:


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The board used for this game has 11 row(s), 11 column(s), 121 cells/squares.
This game is a 2 player game.

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