Items Authored by Derek Nalls
- Symmetrical Chess Collection. Collection of several large symmetric chess variants with only line pieces. By Derek Nalls.
- Graphics: Empty chess boards. Images of empty chess boards. Author: Derek Nalls.
- Calculation of Piece Values . Link to an essay on attack values, material values, relative piece values. Author: Derek Nalls.
- Zag-Zag. Piece moves vertically or along ne-sw diagonal. By Derek Nalls.
- Zag-Zig. Piece moves vertically or along nw-se diagonal. By Derek Nalls.
- Zig-Zag. Piece moves horizontally or along ne-sw diagonal. By Derek Nalls.
- Zig-Zig. Piece moves horizontally or along nw-se diagonal. By Derek Nalls.
- The Symmetrical Chess Collection . Web site containing a collection of Chess Variants based on perfect symmetry. By Derek Nalls.
- Symmetrical Chess Collection. Collection of several large symmetric chess variants with only line pieces. Author: Derek Nalls and Larry L. Smith. Inventor: Derek Nalls.