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Bland Chess 46. Orthogonal moves only on a board with 46 squares. (6x8, Cells: 46) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡Gary Gifford wrote on Sat, Oct 13, 2007 11:22 AM UTC:
(zzo38) A. Black - Thanks for making changes to the rules. They are significant. g

💡Gary Gifford wrote on Thu, Oct 11, 2007 07:45 AM UTC:
(zzo38)A.Black, I kindly disagree with two features of Bland 46, as it currently stands....which I think should be changed.

(1) You have f4 and f5 squares removed and state: 'There are 2 missing squares. Rooks are allowed to move through the missing squares...'
Problem: White can play 1. f3, 2. f3-g3 and he now has an open f-file with Rook control.  Black can do nothing about that potentially important control.
Black also has no similar file control option.
Solution: I see three possible solutions: (a) Do not allow Rooks to travel through f4 and f5 or (b) add the f4 square and remove the a4 square (or add the f5 and remove the a5 square); (c) implement both (a) and (b).
I can change the preset if (b) or (c) is decided.

(2) It is stated that the pawns are able to capture forward.
Problem: It is not so much a problem as it is an inconsistency between Bland Chess and Bland 46 Chess.  Because in normal Bland Chess, pawns 'do not capture.'  
Solution: I recommend that Bland 46 uses 'Bland Chess Pawns' (that do not capture).  They should be bland.  However, I do not mind the following statement, if employed:

'Bland Chess Pawns' cannot capture, but can promote to a Bland Chess 46 piece that can).  An exception is allowed only for the setup in which one or both players use two War Machines.  If a player uses two normal War Machines, his pawns can capture one space forward.  This ability continues even if his two War Machines should be captured.'

That rule would:
a) Keep traditional Bland Chess Pawns employed for games where players use at least one Knight or Modern War Machine in place of a normal War Machine.
b) Make for an interesting game where a side with two War Machines and forward capturing pawns fights against a side with, for example, 1 Knight, 1 Modern War Machine and no capturing pawns.  Such a game would be unbalanced and might prove challenging for players of different strengths playing against each other.

Note: I think that the forward capturing pawns aspect was added to avoid a traffic jam when knights were replaced by normal war machines.  Because the game is now flexible (with Knights and Modern War Machines possible) I think the the normal Bland Pawns need to have an opportunity to be back in their Bland Chess environment.

Best regards,,,, g

💡Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 09:03 PM UTC:

Here is a preset for Bland Chess 46.  To be submitted shortly via normal CV channels.

When using the substitute option for War Machines, prior to the game replace one or both War Machines as follows:

Use {.DW} to get a Modern War Machine for White; Use {.dw} for Black
Use N to get a Knight for White;  Use n for Black

zz038)A.Black -  I can send you a jpeg of the above preset to you if you want to upload it onto your rules page... or, I can send it to Jeremy if you are not familiar with uploading graphics.  Regards, g

💡Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 04:38 PM UTC:
Just as I posted my previous comment I saw )zz038)A.Black's last comment.  So this is in response to that.

zz038)A.Black has 'fixed the pawn on the last file, now that pawns can also move sideways.'  Now they are now longer stuck.  

He also wrote: 'Gary Gifford if you want to make the changes to 46-square Bland Chess, you can make the new page and I will tell the editor to delete this 46-square game and take mine out of the contest, if you make a better 46-squares game for the contest.'

Response: (zz038)A.Black - I think there is no longer a need for me to make a variant here.  You have corrected the pawn problem which is good.  I do suggest this addition for the rules and setup:

'The players, prior to the start of a game, may replace one or both of their War Machines with either a Knight, or a Modern War Machine.'  

But, that can be your call.  I really like having the Knights in your original Bland Chess... they are the most powerful pieces in that game and are fun to use and to watch out for.

Best regards, g

💡Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 04:21 PM UTC:
Joe, You wrote, 'Gary, it's your game then, inspired by (zzo38) A. Black.'

Response: I don't think I agree.  For one thing, I would not have made this game.  I made a few comments... just some suggestions so (zzo38)A. Black could have a contest entry.  It would be wrong for me to take Bland Chess, do a slight re-work, and submit it as my own... at least, I would not feel right about that... so I would not do it.  

For your questions:

1 - Which of these 2 people above do you [who are reading this right now] think will make the board changes and other necessary corrections?
Answer: I will do that for Bland Chess 46-NMW
2 - Whose game is it, really?
Answer: I will consider it as a dual-owner game, zz038A.Black's and mine. But, if one name were to be removed, then I prefer that it be my name that is removed.

zzo38 wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 04:12 PM UTC:
I fixed the pawn on the last file, now that pawns can also move sideways. Also, Gary Gifford if you want to make the changes to 46-square Bland Chess, you can make the new page and I will tell the editor to delete this 46-square game and take mine out of the contest, if you make a better 46-squares game for the contest.

Joe Joyce wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 03:21 PM UTC:
Gary, it's your game then, inspired by (zzo38) A. Black. 

One person makes a suggestion, but does nothing with it.

A second person takes the suggestion, pounds it into shape, changes it, gives it a theme and gives it back to the first person, who takes it, and with an offhand gesture and no apparent thought, tosses it back out. Questions about this secoond incarnation of the game prompt person 2 but not person 1 to say 'I'll fix it, by doing this, this, and this.' 

Two questions:

1 - Which of these 2 people above do you [who are reading this right now] think will make the board changes and other necessary corrections?

2 - Whose game is it, really?

I think we get into problems with the term 'game inventor'. I prefer the term 'game designer', and always have. If a playable game results from this, is it because of the 'inventor' or the 'designer'?

💡Gary Gifford wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 02:57 PM UTC:
Charles, I was not aware that there was a Bland46 actually being created.  Comments of mine led to its name and actual creation from (zz038)A.Black's Bland Chess.

After playing the 64-Square Bland Chess I believe this 46-Square version needs either Knights or Modern War Machines [to replace the regular war machines.]  Personally, I like the regular Knights... but, in keeping with (zz038)A.Black's concept of no diagonals, then a Modern War Machine is possible.

You are right about the stuck pawns too.  I believe the board should change.

I will make a Bland46-NMW which has Knights with an option to replace one or both with a Modern War Machine before move 1. Also, there will be a different board.  I will author that one and list (zz038)A.Black as an inventor.

Charles Gilman wrote on Sun, Oct 7, 2007 06:29 AM UTC:
Er, what about the Pawns on the last file? It seems that they can move one step and then get stuck there until they are captured.

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