Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.


Zoltan Blazsik from Hungary proposed in spring 1997 the following variant on Refusal Chess, and Compromise Chess.

The rules of chess are followed, but with the following difference: each move, a player also gives one move that his opponent is not allowed to play in his next move.

When a player mates his opponent, he gets one point. However, there is an additional way to win a `minor victory': when a player is in check, and there is only one way out of check, and the opponent forbids this way out of check, the opponent wins the game and gets 3/4 point, the losing player receives 1/4 point (this is called a No-chess mate. When a player is stalemated (i.e., he is not in check but has no legal move), his opponent receives 3/4 point, and he receives 1/4 point. However, when a player has only one legal move in a position and this move is forbidden by the opponent (a No-chess stalemate), then both players receive 1/2 point.

Promotion to different pieces are seen as different moves. Thus, white could forbid a pawn on a2 to move to a1 and become a queen; black then can decide to promote the pawn to e.g. rook.

For instance, white can start with: e2-e4 forbid e7-e5. Now black must play a move, different from e7-e5.

Here is an interesting position: White: King c5, Queen c3; Black: King a4, Rook b1. White can get 3/4 point by playing Qc3-a3+ (if forbidden Qc3-b4+), and forbidding in both cases the one legal move out of check. But, can white get 1 point?

Written by Hans Bodlaender and Zoltan Blazsik.
WWW page created: April 21, 1997. Last modified: October 14, 2002.