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Mulligan Stew Chess
. 42-Square Swapping-Mage Teleporting-Assassin Dual-Color-Bound-King Limited-Double-Move Leaping-Pawn Chess. By Peter Aronson.
Mulligan Stew Chess. 42-Square Swapping-Mage Teleporting-Assassin Dual-Color-Bound-King Limited-Double-Move Leaping-Pawn Chess. (6x7, Cells: 42) By Peter Aronson.
Multi-chess. Chess variants for three or four players. By Bert Meerman.
Multi-Dimensional Multi-Player (MDMP) Chess. 2-8 player Chess, traditional and alternate armies, optional laser. By Donald Cimics.
Multi-Dimensional Multi-Player (MDMP) Chess. 2-8 player Chess, traditional and alternate armies, optional laser. By Donald Cimics.
Multi-King Chess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Roberto Lavieri.
Multichess. Four player chess variant. Author: Alfred Pfeiffer. Inventor: Dietrich Gläß.
Multimove Chess.
Players spend points to make multiple moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) By David Howe.
Multimove FIDE Chess. Each turn utilizes a number of points that get applied to movement. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: David Howe.
Multipath Chess Pieces. Suggests adding "multi-path" pieces to leapers and riders classification of pieces. Author: George William Duke.
Multiplayer Chess Rules. A discussion of rules issues for multiple player chess games. Author: Jason65 .
Multiplayer chess variants. Additional rules for chess variants with more players. By Derick Peterson.
Multiple Displacers. A multiple displacer is a version of a piece that can capture enemy pieces partway along a longer move. Author: Charles Gilman.
Multiple Formations. A proposal to add a set of formations to Chess. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Rich Hutnik.
Multiple Occupancy Miscellany. Various chess variants with multiple pieces per square. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
Multiple of 10 Checkmate. Variant where you can only checkmate or be checkmated on move 10, 20, 30, ect.. By Calvin Jack Pomerantz.
Multiple of 10 Checkmate. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Calvin Jack Pomerantz.
Multivariant Tournament 2003. 2003 Multivariant PBEM tournament headquarters page. Author: Glenn Overby II.
Muñiz, Alexandre. Alexandre Muñiz's Web Thing. Author: Alexandre Muñiz.
Murmillo Chess. Introducing the Murmillo piece, and new collision-capture, on a Gustavian board (zrf available). By M Winther.
Murray Lion. Jumps two orthogonally or diagonally or captures on neighboring square. Author: John William Brown and Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: H.J.R. Murray.
Mushroom. Jumping piece whose destination squares form a mushroom pattern. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
Musketeer Chess. A game that adds extra pieces to Chess, playable online with Game Courier. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Zied Haddad.
Musketeer Chess. Adding 2 newly designed extra pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Zied Haddad.
Must Capture Chess. Capturing is mandatory. Author: Roger Cooper.
. Missing description By Namik Zade.
Mustang Chess problem. Missing description By Namik Zade.
Muster Chess. Each player can muster different armies. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Grant Sinclair.
Mutant Chess. Pieces mutate during the game.
Mutation Chess. Units other than kings transform into whatever they capture. Queens do not move to give check. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: John E. Bosley.
Mutation Chess. Pieces that capture become the type of piece they captured. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Alessandro Castelli. Inventor: John E. Bosley.
Mutatis Mutandis. Astonishing variant featuring 22 different changelings at random setups. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Carlos Cetina.
Mutators. Article discussing the concept of Mutators. Author: João Pedro Neto.
Mutual stalemate with all pieces. Construct a mutual stalemate setup using all 32 pieces. By Michiel de Bondt.
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