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SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `LinkText` LIKE 'I%' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
I'm a Ferz, Get Me Into There!. Inspired by title of Chas. Gilman's game, "I'm a Wazir, Get Me Out of Here!" Object is to get your Ferz to Z5. By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
I'm a Wazir, Get Me Out of Here. Game composed of just wazirs and pawns. Wazirs, prone to special disappearing rule. Object : Get rid of your wazirs. Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Charles Gilman.
I'm a Wazir, Get Me Out of Here. A variant in which pieces disappear if left too long in the wrong place. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Charles Gilman.
I-Chess. Large board variant that adds two more piece types: the wolf and the eagle. Author: Aurelian Florea. Inventor: Paul Zamă.
I-Chess. Play this 12x12 large board game with two new peices. Author: Greg Strong.
IAGO Chess System. http://abstractgamers.org/wiki/iago-chess. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Rich Hutnik.
IAGO Chess ZRF file. ZRF file for IAGO Chess rules. By Rich Hutnik.
Ibu Ibu Chess. Ibu Ibu Chess in which the king's entourage protects it from Ubi-Ubis. By Jeremy Gabriel Good.
Ibu Ibu Chess. Introduces the concept of a King's entourage, making King powerful and protected. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Jeremy Gabriel Good. Inventor: Jeremy Gabriel Good.
ICBM Chess. I(inter)-C(hess)B(oard) M(issle) Chess, where you can throw a piece to capture as well as make normal moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Eric Driscoll.
Ice Age Chess. Every 20th move, the board freezes and ice cubes appear on almost every empty square. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Köksal Karakus.
Ice Age Chess. Blocks of ice cover the board at intervals. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Köksal Karakus.
Ice Hockey Chess. Chess variant based upon rules of (Ice) Hockey. (8x10, Cells: 68) By Francois Tremblay.
Icehouse. Set of pyramids you can play several games with, including Martian chess.
. Missing description By Pangus Ho.
iChess. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Pangus Ho.
Icon Clearinghouse. A collection of chess icons for all to use in Interactive Diagrams and Game Courier setups. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 2. Part two features dozens of animal-based icons. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 3. Part three features nobility, clergy, military, and related icons. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 4. Part four focuses on enhanced and limited orthodox pieces. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 5. Part 5 has pieces that don't neatly fit into other categories. By Bob Greenwade.
Icon Clearinghouse 6. Part 6 focuses on my own original pieces and icons. By Bob Greenwade.
Iconographic Chinese Pieces. Icons of Xiangqi pieces in Western style. Author: Fergus Duniho.
Idaidakama Shogi. Like Maka-Dai-Dai with drops and new pieces. (19x19, Cells: 361) By (zzo38) A. Black.
Ideal Chess. Uses compound pieces to mimic the use of cards. By Graeme C Neatham.
Ideal Chess. A social game that melds FIDE chess with playing cards. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Graeme C Neatham.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 1). A discussion of the values of chess pieces. Author: Ralph Betza.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 2). More on the value of Chess pieces. Author: Ralph Betza.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 3). More on the value of Chess pieces. Author: Ralph Betza.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 4). Additional details on the values of Chess pieces. Author: Ralph Betza.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 5). A study of the value of Cannon-style jumpers. Author: Ralph Betza.
Ideal Values and Practical Values (part 6). A study of the value of the Furlrurlbakking piece. Author: Ralph Betza.
Identific Chess. Place undifferentiated units, then choose who they are after they. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Vernon Rylands Parton.
Idle King Chess. Kings do not appear on the board until the 13th turn, and can. Author: Ed Friedlander.
If regular octogonal chess would be possible?. Missing description (8x8, Cells: 64) By Daniil Frolov.
Illusionary Piece Chess
. A piece and a Pawn on each side are more powerful, but can not offer check or prevent bare King. By Peter Aronson.
Illusionary Piece Chess. A piece and a Pawn on each side are more powerful, but can not offer check or prevent bare King. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Peter Aronson.
Imitating Chess. Units move according to the FIDE move of the last enemy unit. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Sergey Sirotkin.
Imitating Chess. Pieces move as the last moved piece. By Sergey Sirotkin.
Imitator Chess. A neutral piece must legally imitate your move. It may not capture. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Immobilizer. Pieces standing near an immobilizer may not move. Author: Ben Good. Inventor: Robert Abbott.
Immobilizer Chess. The immobilizer does not capture, but renders adjacent enemy. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: George Dekle.
Immobilizer Shogi. Piece that can immobilize other pieces. (9x9, Cells: 81) By (zzo38) A. Black.
Immortal Chess. 36 Immortals with hidden powers create chaos on the board. (10x10, Cells: 100) By Florin Lupusoru.
ImmortalStarMasters. Multiplayer, hexagonal board for chess and checker games. Author: Ronald D. Planesi.
Imperial Cheops. Played on a pyramid field of thirteen 3x3x3 cubes. Inspired by a description in Frank Herbert's novel Dune. By Larry L. Smith.
Imperial Chess. Play this large variant with new pieces and victory by capture of royal pieces! Author: Tony Quintanilla and James Killian Spratt. Inventor: James Killian Spratt.
Imperial Chess. Large variant with new pieces and victory by capture of royal pieces. (12x12, Cells: 144) By James Killian Spratt.
Imperial Chess Graphics. Graphics for Imperial Chess. Author: James Killian Spratt.
Imperial Chess I. Four-player game on circular board, also called Chez. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Donald irvin Gebhart.
Imperial Chess II. Standard array with extra Pawns on a round board. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Chris Fanning.
Imperial Chess III. Four-player all-against-all game on a cross-shaped board. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Mike Calkoviks and Jeff Knight.
Imperial Dragon
. A variant of Xiangqi designed to appeal to western players. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Paul Fredrix.
Imperial Dragon Chess. A variant of Xiangqi designed to appeal to western players. (9x10, Cells: 90) Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Paul Fredrix.
Imperial Hex Chess. Smaller hexagonal variant with new pieces. (Cells: 75) By Robert Hancock.
Imposter Chess. Play this game! Exchange captured pieces in order to move Kings in different ways. Author: Tony Quintanilla and Laila W. Stefan. Inventor: Laila W. Stefan.
Imposter Chess. Exchange captured pieces in order to move Kings in different ways. Author: Laila W. Stefan and Andrew Newman. Inventor: Laila W. Stefan.
Improved Chess. An improvement of standard chess: a blocked pawn on the far side gets extra jump moves to empty squares (with zrf). By M Winther.
In The Bin. Chess on a 9x9 board. Players select pieces from a bin. (9x9, Cells: 81) By Darren Izzard.
In-Yan. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100) By Namik Zade.
Inchworm and Longworm Chess. Pieces move their heads to a new square, then move their tail to that square on a later move. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
Incognito Chess. In addition to the King, one Pawn is secretly royal. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
Index A to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter A. By Charles Gilman.
Index B to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter B. By Charles Gilman.
Index C 1 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter C followed by a-m. By Charles Gilman.
Index C 2 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter C followed by o. By Charles Gilman.
Index D to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter D. By Charles Gilman.
Index E to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter E. By Charles Gilman.
Index F to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter F. By Charles Gilman.
Index G to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter G. By Charles Gilman.
Index H to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter H. By Charles Gilman.
Index I to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters I to K. By Charles Gilman.
Index L to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter L. By Charles Gilman.
Index M to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter M. By Charles Gilman.
Index N to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter N. By Charles Gilman.
Index O to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters O and Q. By Charles Gilman.
Index P to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter P. By Charles Gilman.
Index page of The Chess Variant Pages. Our main index page.
Index R to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter R. By Charles Gilman.
Index S 1 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter S followed by A-I. By Charles Gilman.
Index S 2 to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter S followed by K-Y. By Charles Gilman.
Index T to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letter T. By Charles Gilman.
Index U to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters U and V. By Charles Gilman.
Index W to Man and Beast. Alphabetic list of Man and Beast pieces starting with the letters W to Z. By Charles Gilman.
Indian Chess. Some local variant rules from the colonial period. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Indian/Turkish Grand Chess. An Indian/Turkish and very playable historic variant on a 10 by 10 board. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Indistinguishable Chess. All pawns and pieces appear the same in color and size, for both sides. The board has no 'dark' squares. By Gary K. Gifford.
Indistinguishable Chess. Player pieces indistinguishable from each other. Board squares are indistinguishable. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Gary K. Gifford.
Inertia Chess. Pieces continue to move in the same direction. Author: João Pedro Neto. Inventor: Claude Chaunier.
An Inexpensive Method to Make Print and Play Chess Variants Sets. Chess Variants Print and Play. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Paul E. Newton.
Infantry Chess. Small chess variant with short range pieces. (9x9, Cells: 43) By Erez Schatz.
Infantry Chess
. Small chess variant with short range pieces. Author: Uri Bruck. Inventor: Erez Schatz.
Infiltrator Chess.
The Infiltrator's non-capturing move is unhindered by obstacles. (8x10, Cells: 80) By Martin Nilsson.
Infima. Missing description By Johnny Luken.
Infinite Armada Chess. Chess with an infinite armada of queens behind the FIDE pieces. () Author: Manuel Hohmann. Inventor: Randall Munroe.
Infinite Board Chess. Imagine the board is an infinite grid. By Keith Douglas.
Infinite Chess. Chess on on infinite board. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Tim Converse.
Infinite Chess. Link to publishers website.
Infinite Chess. Extends Chess to larger, even infinite, boards. () By Tony Thomas.
Infinite Chess Photographs. Photos of an Infinite Chess set. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Infinite Recursion Chess. Another mega-chess type game. (2x(8x8), Cells: 128) By David Howe.
Infinite Ring Chess. Experimental variant with board shaped as ring. (16x4, Cells: 64) By Robert J. Bell.
Influence Chess
. Pieces on the top or bottom layer influence which chess pieces may move on the middle layer. Author: Jens Markmann. Inventor: Samuel H. Bell.
Influence Chess. Pieces on the top or bottom layer influence which chess pieces may move on the middle layer. (3x(4x7), Cells: 84) By Samuel H. Bell.
Influenced 8-Leveled 3D Alice Chess. A combination of Influence and Alice Chess on a 3D board. (8x(8x8), Cells: 512)
Information on Chinese Chess playing cards. Missing description Author: Stephen Leary.
Information on historic chess variants. Missing description
Information on: Master Chess Triple Game. Two players play on three boards connected by corridors. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Rein Keulen.
. Pieces change to random type when they move. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Jari Huikari.
Insane. Pieces change to random type when they move. With program playing this variant. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Jari Huikari.
Insane. Units mutate randomly. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Jari Huikari.
Insane Flip Relay Shatranj. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100) By Michael Nelson.
Insane II. Units mutate randomly. This time, you know what the unit will become. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Jari Huikari.
Insane Ninja Chess
. Featuring 2 pairs of powerful multi-directional leaping pieces capable of double capture. By Charles Daniel.
Insane Ninja Chess. Play this exciting chess variant featuring two pairs of unique multi-mode pieces: Insane Ninjas and Mad Leaping Ninja Guards. By Charles Daniel.
Insane Ninja Chess. Big board chess with dual range Camel's Leap Ninja Guards, and Insane Ninjas: powerful multidirectional short-range leapers. (10x10, Cells: 104) By Charles Daniel.
Insect Chess
. On a 12x12 board. All pieces are insect and arachnid representations, with some unique pieces. By Tim Bostick.
Insect Chess. On a 12x12 board. All pieces are insect and arachnid representations, with some unique pieces. (12x12, Cells: 144) By Tim Bostick.
Inside-out chess. With two kings per player and squares with a square inside. (6x6, Cells: 44) By Maarten Bodlaender.
Insurrection. Capturing causes promotion, demotion, or a coup in the opponent's ranks. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Fogus.
Interactive 3D Chess Program. Missing description By Dan Beyer.
Interactive Diagram Piece Sandbox. A sandbox that allows you to try out your own pieces for Interactive Diagrams. (16x16, Cells: 256) By A. M. DeWitt.
Interactive diagrams.
Diagrams that interactively show piece moves. By H. G. Muller.
Interchange Chess. Get as many of your own pieces to their destination squares on the other side of the board as possible. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: David Howe. Inventor: Alexandre Muñiz and David Howe.
Interdependent Chess. A 42 square variant in which pieces borrow capturing ability from other pieces. By Fergus Duniho.
Interdependent Chess
. A 42 square variant in which pieces borrow capturing ability from other pieces. By Fergus Duniho.
Interdependent Chess. A 42 square variant in which pieces borrow capturing ability from other pieces. (6x7, Cells: 42) By Fergus Duniho.
InterGrid Chess. Pieces on corners and on centers of squares of 8 by 8 board. (8x8, Cells: 145) By David Howe.
InterGrid Chess
. Pieces on corners and on centers of squares of 8 by 8 board. By David Howe.
Interloper Chess. Introducing the Interloper, a highly invulnerable attacking piece (with zrf). By M Winther.
International Contemporary Random Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100) By Jose Carrillo.
International Email Chess Club. Missing description
International Fischer Random Chess. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100) By Jose Carrillo.
Internationalized Chinese Chess. Photos of a commercial Staunton set for playing Xiangqi, Janggi, and Chess. Author: Fergus Duniho and John Davis.
Interregnum Chess. No king or queen; win by promoting a pawn; captured units replaced. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Interview with Ben Good. Interview with the winner of the 38-challenge. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Ben Good.
Interview with Darren Izzard. An interview with the winner of the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 40 squares. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with David Li. Interview with the author about his books on Kriegspiel. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with David Pritchard. An interview with the author of Popular Chess Variants. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with Hans Bodlaender. An interview with the founder of the Chess Variant Pages. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Various.
Interview with James Ernest. Creator of Tishai. Author: Peter Gelman. Inventor: James Ernest.
Interview with Jean-Louis Cazaux. An interview. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux and Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with Joao Pedro Neto. Winner of the contest to design a chess variant on 42 squares. Author: João Pedro Neto and Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with Michael Adams. An Interview about a Fischer Random Chess match.
Interview with Peter Leko. An interview about a Fischer Random Chess match.
Interview with Ralph Betza. An interview with the `Grandmaster of Chess Variant Design'. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender and Ralph Betza.
Interview with Robert Abbott. An interview with the inventor of Ultima. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with Seth McGinnis. Interview with the winner of the contest to design a chess variant on 39 squares. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Interview with Timothy Newton. An interview with the winner of the 84 Spaces Contest! Author: Timothy R. Newton.
Interview with Tony Quintanilla. Interview with the winner of the 41-square Chess Variant Competition. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
. Game with elements of Checkers and Ultima where all pieces are colorbound and only capture pieces on the other color. By Peter Aronson.
Interweave. Game with elements of Checkers and Ultima where all pieces are colorbound and only capture pieces on the other color. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Peter Aronson.
Intrigue. Players each select a pawn which holds the king's secret position. By Nigel Chapman.
Intrigue. Capturing a particular pawn places the enemy king on the board. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Nigel Chapman.
Intrusive Squares. The board is split into 4 4x4 supersquares and reunited by 20 extra squares. (10x10, Cells: 84) By Charles Gilman.
Invader Zim Chess. Chess based on the show, Invader Zim. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Zim .
Invasion. A military inspired Chess variant played on an 84-square board. Author: Antoine Fourrière. Inventor: Jean-Louis Cazaux.
. A military inspired Chess variant played on an 84-squares board. By Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Invasion. A military inspired Chess variant played on an 84-squares board. (10x10, Cells: 84) By Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Invent-and-Play. A design contest and a small PBEM tournament, combined! Author: Glenn Overby II. Inventor: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Inventor of Stratomic to appear at International Games Fest. Runing from February 27 to March 3, 2002. Author: Jean-Louis Cazaux.
Inverse Capture Chess
. Pieces are captured the way they move. Author: Antoine Fourrière. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
Invisible King Chess. Opponent can't see where you moved your king to. (8x8, Cells: 64) By (zzo38) A. Black.
The Invisible Man
. Missing description By Namik Zade.
IO Chess. Variant on 16 by 16 board with many pieces. (16x16, Cells: 256) By Mark Hedden.
Iron Guard. Non-capturable guard replaces White queen. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Iron Guard Chess. Instead of a queen, white has an Iron Guard who can move only to adjacent diagonal squares and cannot be captured. Author: Douglas Silfen.
The Iron Knight. A number of variants with uncapturable pieces. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Ralph Betza.
Iron Knight. Non-capturable knight. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Ralph Betza.
Irrational Chess. Chess game on an exotic board. (9x10, Cells: 66) By Max Koval.
Irregular Quadrangle Chess. Chessboard of 96 quadrangles. (Cells: 96)
Irwell. Gain an advantage by crowning your enemy. (8x10, Cells: 80) By Charles Gilman.
Isis and Cam. Two variants based on ancient English universities and the rivers near them. (6x8, Cells: 48) By Charles Gilman.
Island Chess. Some connections between squares are missing. By Karl Scherer.
Isle of Lewis Chess Men. Missing description Author: Tony Quintanilla.
Iss Jetan
. Missing description By Larry L. Smith.
Iss Jetan. Missing description (10x10, Cells: 100) By Larry L. Smith.
It's not a job for King. Two relatively modest games, playing with power and royality. (8x8, Cells: 64) By Daniil Frolov.
Italian Association of Chess Variants. Associazione Italiana Scacchi Eterodossi: the world leading Italian chess variant organization. Author: Alessandro Castelli and Fergus Duniho.
Italian Miniature Chess. 5x5 game as played in Italy. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Italian Miniature Losing Chess. 5x5 game as played in Italy. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Italian Miniature Progressive Chess. 5x5 progressive game as played in Italy. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Italian Progressive Chess. White moves once, black two times, white three times, etc. Check is only allowed at last move of series. (8x8, Cells: 64) Author: Alessandro Castelli.
Italian Progressive Chess. White moves once, black two times, white three times, etc. Check is only allowed at last move of series. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Italian Progressive Chess Game Positions. Problem based on an actual game position.
Ito Shogi
. Missing description Author: Malcolm Webb. Inventor: Jonathan H Rutherford.
Ito Shogi. Missing description (1x31, Cells: 21) By Jonathan H Rutherford.
Izzard, Darren. An interview with the winner of the contest to design a chess variant on a board with 40 squares. Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
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