Query Results for
SELECT * FROM `Item` LEFT JOIN `IndexEntry` USING (ItemID) WHERE `IsHidden` = 0 AND `Item`.`IsDeleted` = 0 AND `Language` = 'English' AND `BoardRows` = '6' AND `BoardCols` = '6' ORDER BY `LinkText`, `Item`.`Summary` ASC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
3D Great Shatranj. A simple approach to 3D chess. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Joe Joyce.
3D Great Shatranj. a simple approach to 3D chess. By Joe Joyce.
6 Ranks, remaining variants. Extrapolations from the Diana/Los Alamos/Haynie's Primary family of variants. (6x6) By Charles Gilman.
. Game with abstract pieces. Reach opponents first row on 6 by 6 board. Author: Uwe Wiedemann. Inventor: Johannes Tranelis.
Alapo. Game with abstract pieces. Reach opponents first row on 6 by 6 board. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Johannes Tranelis.
Alapo. Simplified game. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Johannes Tranelis.
Alapo. A small chesslike game. Author: Ben M Reiniger. Inventor: Johannes Tranelis.
Ascension. 6x6 board with two Kings that promote to royal Queens. By Albert Lee.
Bachelor Nimrod. Small variant with one each of distinctive Nimrod pieces, and of Knight. (6x6, Cells: 36) By Charles Gilman.
Bosworth. Commercial multiplayer chess variant for two to four players using cards as pieces.
Brookschach. 3d variant with three unconconventional subsets of Queen move. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
The Central Squares
. 3d chess variant where all three levels share their central squares. By João Pedro Neto.
The Central Squares. 3d chess variant where all three levels share their central squares. (3x(6x6), Cells: 100) By João Pedro Neto.
Chess with Different Periods
. A Turn-related variant of Los Alamos Chess. Players may play with many modest variants. By Yu Ren Dong.
Chess with Different Periods. Missing description (6x6, Cells: 36) By Yu Ren Dong.
Color Chess. Freeware program playing variant on 36 colored squares. By Maarten Bodlaender.
Color Chess. Chess variant on board with 39 squares with five different colors. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Maarten Bodlaender.
Compact Chess. Small version popular in South Africa. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Convergent Chess. Attack king directly or move to its home square on board with 40 squares. (6x6, Cells: 40) By A.J. Winkelspecht.
Convergent Chess
. Attack king directly or move to its home square on board with 40 squares. By A.J. Winkelspecht.
Courier Leapale. Extrapolating Courier Kamil to 3 dimensions. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
Cycle Chess. Variant on a board with 39 cells, three of which are special. (6x6, Cells: 39) By Andy Kurnia.
Cycle Chess
. Variant on a board with 39 cells, three of which are special. Author: David Howe. Inventor: Andy Kurnia.
Dart Chess. Chess on a 6x6 board with a new piece: the Dart. (6x6, Cells: 36) By Darren Izzard.
Dart Chess
. Chess on a 6x6 board with a new piece: the Dart. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Darren Izzard.
Diana. Chess on a 6 by 6 board. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: ? Hopwood.
. Chess on a 6 by 6 board. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: ? Hopwood.
Diana Chess
. Chess on a 6 by 6 board. Author: Uwe Wiedemann. Inventor: ? Hopwood.
Diana Chess. Miniature chess game from the late 1800's. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: ? Hopwood.
Feeble Los Alamos Chess
. Los Alamos Chess using Feeble pieces. By David Howe.
Feeble Los Alamos Chess. Los Alamos Chess using Feeble pieces. (6x6, Cells: 36) By David Howe.
Flipped-return Nichtschach. Pieces return as something else on the same 3d board. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
G.U.E. 3D Chess. A 3D Chess game paying homage to those really great Zork adventures. By Larry L. Smith.
Gross Raumschach. Larger, 4-player version of Raumschach. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
Hans 38 Gift Chess
. Eric Greenwood's chess on a board with 38 squares. Author: Marek14 . Inventor: Eric V. Greenwood.
Hans 38Special Chess. On a board with 38 squares. (6x6, Cells: 38) By Eric V. Greenwood.
Hans38 Chess. Eric Greenwood's chess on a board with 38 squares. (6x6, Cells: 38) By Eric V. Greenwood.
Haynie's Primary Chess. On 6 by 6 board without knights. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: Billy Haynie.
Heathen Europe Chess. 2 player cubic-cell Europe-specific offshoot of AOF series. (6x6, Cells: 144) By Charles Gilman.
Holy War
. Variant with 6 by 6 board with four additional corner squares. By Fergus Duniho.
Holywar. Variant with 6 by 6 board with four additional corner squares. (6x6, Cells: 40) By Fergus Duniho.
Inside-out chess. With two kings per player and squares with a square inside. (6x6, Cells: 44) By Maarten Bodlaender.
Judkin's Shogi. Modern small shogi variant preset. Author: Charles Daniel and Armin Liebhart. Inventor: ? Judkin.
Judkin's Shogi. Small shogi variant on 6 by 6 board. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: ? Judkin.
Los Alamos Chess. Used for the first computer chess program. Author: Ed Friedlander.
Los Alamos Chess. Play the first variant ever programmed for computer play on Jocly. Author: Michel Gutierrez and Jérôme Choain. Inventor: Paul Stein and Mark Wells.
Los Alamos Chess
. Chess on a 6x6 board. Author: David Howe.
Los Alamos Chess. First known variant played by a computer. (Recognized!) Author: Jason Shields.
Los Alamos Extinction Chess With Bunkers. On 6 by 6 board with two additional 2 by 2 bunkers, and extension chess rules. (2x(6x6), Cells: 44) By Doug Chatham.
Los Alamos Extinction Chess with Bunkers
. On 6 by 6 board with two additional bunkers, and extension chess rules. By Doug Chatham.
Los Alamos variant. Chess on a 6 by 6 board from the early days of computing. (6x6, Cells: 36) (Recognized!) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender.
Mercurial Chess
. A variant on 42 squares with a satallite board and the rescure of captured pieces. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: Mark Hedden.
Mercurial Chess. A variant on 42 squares with a satallite board and the rescue of captured pieces. (6x6, Cells: 42) By Mark Hedden.
Mini Burmese Chess
. Small variant of Burmese Chess. By A.J. Winkelspecht.
Mini Burmese Chess. Small variant of Burmese Chess. (6x6, Cells: 40) By A.J. Winkelspecht.
Minima. johnnyluken. (6x6, Cells: 64) By Johnny Luken.
Mischia. A small 6x6 chess variant that plays like normal chess. (6x6, Cells: 36) By William Wragg.
Nichtschach. A 3d version of Notchess. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
Ninepiece Nichtschach. Combining 4 Linepiece Fusion with Nichtschach. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
Noname Chess. Missing description By orian.
Philosopher's Chess. Winner of the 40 squares contest. Author: Ed Friedlander. Inventor: Darren Izzard.
Philosopher's Chess. The Philosopher's Chess in the Game Courier. Author: Abdul-Rahman Sibahi. Inventor: Darren Izzard.
Philosophers Chess. Chess variant on two small boards with usual and `philosophical' pieces. (6x6, Cells: 40) By Darren Izzard.
Philosophers Chess
. Chess variant on two small boards with usual and `philosophical' piece. Author: Fergus Duniho and Jens Markmann. Inventor: Darren Izzard.
Philosophers Chess. Photo's of 40 squares chess variant. Author: Fergus Duniho. Inventor: Darren Izzard.
Pixelpusher: Los Alamos chess. Weak playing Java applet for Los Alamos chess.
Play Mischia online with Game Courier. A small chess variant on a 6x6 board that plays similar to chess. (6x6, Cells: 36) By William Wragg.
Stockschach. 3d game with "stock" 3d analogues to FIDE pieces. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
. Chess on a four-color 6x6 board, with a 5 square control board. Author: Peter Aronson. Inventor: David Howe.
Tapestry Chess. Chess on a four-color 6x6 board, with a 5 square control board. (6x6, Cells: 41) By David Howe.
Test Minichess. Chess on a 6x6 board. (6x6, Cells: 36) By Darren Izzard.
Tim's 6x6x6 3d chess
. 3d chess variant on 6 by 6 by 6 board. By Tim O'Lena.
Unionschach, Sachsenschach, and Leapale. Some 3D Chess variants. (6x(6x6), Cells: 216) By Charles Gilman.
veSQuj - Chess with 21st century armies
. A highly tactical variant with a 21st-century-war theme. By Glenn Overby II.
veSQuj - Chess with 21st century armies. A highly tactical variant with a 21st-century-war theme. (6x6, Cells: 36) By Glenn Overby II.
The Weak Square of the Jumping King
. Kings start jumping around, dropping the other pieces on a board with 38 squares. By João Pedro Neto.
The Weak Square of the Jumping King. Kings start jumping around, dropping the other pieces on a board with 38 squares. (6x6, Cells: 38) By João Pedro Neto.
Whale Shogi. Shogi variant. (6x6, Cells: 36) Author: Hans L. Bodlaender. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.
Whale Shogi. Small Shogi variant. Author: Douglas Silfen and Karl Scherer. Inventor: R. Wayne Schmittberger.