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A Chess Puzzle: to devise a game on 8x8 with no legal moves for White. All 8 Pawns(any kind) and 8 pieces(any mix of types)must start in own half of board, King only required to be within back-rank. Use already-invented pieces and Rules. Describe an initial set-up. Follow-up Puzzle Two is to contrive a starting array (also with full complement of 16 each side, 32 pieces and Pawns altogether), so that neither Black nor White can move, no legal first move at all either team, whoever goes first.Puzzle One Solution:
8 P____K____N____ ____ ____B____ ____P White small letters
7 P____ ____ ____ ____ ____C____ ____P Conventional Pawns
6 P____D____E____ ____ ____R____ ____P D = Dragon 5-square,5+way
5 P____I____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____P C = Crooked Bishop
4 p____i____ ____w____w____ ____ ____p B = Ibis leaper
3 p____ ____ ____w____ ____ ____ ____p E = Elbow Chess Rook
2 p____ ____ ____ ____ ____f____w____p w = Wazir (1,2)
1 p____ ____ ____ ____f____k____ ____p f = Ferz (2,2)
I,i = Immobilizer
a b c d e f g h
There would be thousands of hard-to-find solutions CVPage-indexed pieces. One explanation: put all 16 standard Pawns in a-file and h-file. How about Immobilizers (Ultima) at b4 White and b5 Black. Black Dragon at b6 is after 'Falcons, Scorpions and Dragon.' E is Elbow Chess Rook in 'Multipath Chess Pieces,' after Pritchard ECV, having to make one 90-degree change of direction each move. Black Crooked Bishop at f7 is Betza's. Black Ibis(or Namel: 2,8) at f8 is Gilman concoction (hey let's find the things some use). Justification: If Wazir at either d4 or d3 moves, Dragon-b6 has a pathway. If Wazir-e4 moves or Wazir-g2 moves, Crooked Bishop at f7 has pathway. If Ferz-f2 moves, Rook checks making it illegal. If Ferz-e1 moves, Elbow-Rook-c6 has its pathway. King cannot move because of Ibis-f8 and the Elbow Chess one again. So, no White piece can move: beyond 'zugzwang,' half-the-board immobilization by all pre-existent pieces. QED. (More elegant may be upgrading one+ W/F to at least N because of relative strengths or some one-piece-type principle of economy. Puzzle Two remains more difficult)
Here's what I noticed: I checked the 'using HTML tags in Text Box' but it didn't stick the first time I submitted; the page didn't have proportional fonts. I had to use the link to go back and edit the page, and when I did I noticed that that HTML tags box wasn't checked. So I checked it and submitted again, and it worked correctly. I think that there is something wrong with that that check-box such that it doesn't take the first time you submit.
Mark, just check the 'Using HTML tags in the text below' checkbox at the top of the page for editing the description of your submission. But be sure to add paragraph and pre tags where appropriate in your textual descriptions. When the 'Using HTML tags in the text below' checkbox is unchecked, I add PRE tags around each text section, and chop the text up into reasonably short lines (so they don't run off the right side of the page).
The system works quite well. I was able to recreate a page for Decima with my revisions in about 45 minutes. When it is approved, would it be possible for an editor to append the original Decima comments to it and then remove the original Decima page?
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