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I changed it to show your userid in a text input field. If you still don't see your userid, you can now type it in.
To the site maintainer:
My problem with not being able to edit my pages is back. When I click "Edit this page", I get an edit page where the field "Your UserID:" at the bottom is blank, and if I fill in my password and try to save the page, it says "You cannot edit this page without a UserID."
I think the problem is that I'm somehow being logged out when clicking the "Edit this page" link; that has happened to me occasionally when clicking other links on the site too.
I've tried different cookie permissions and browser security levels. I'm using Microsoft Edge, but I've tried with Google Chrome or Firefox too, same problem. I can still post comments, as well as post new entries, apparently.
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Thank you very much for this. It works for me now.