I've initiated a study of Javascript in order to sit down and code a set of "weird" moves that could then be called upon for use in IDs. Some of my goals (roughly in priority order):
Null move (mpabK) (click on the square twice, and if the piece can legally move back to the space using this or any other move, a popup asks if you want to make a Null move)
Defining crooked/zigzag (zB, zR, zN) and rosy (qN, qC, qZ) moves as vectors that can be used for rifle captures and such.
Same for the Windmill (pabs(abpabq)K) and Gorgon (KyafsK), and possibly Switchback (afq(afzafq)K(afqafz)K)
Refractor/Counterrefractor (moving perpendicular or parallel to the board's edge)
Alternate modifiers for "again, including backwards" (a(b)), "juggernaut capture" ((caf)), "flying jump" ((paf)), and similar constructs so they can be enclosed in parentheses without having to nest.
I'm figuring to assign extended Latin characters to each of these, but also have some sort of assignLetter command that can be put into the ID description so a user can assign whatever letter is preferred (including regular ASCII, of course).
And I know that there are solutions to some of these (like Edgehog and Refractor) using complex algorithms; I'm looking to shorten them for the user.
I'll set any of these aside, of course, if you beat me to them. ;) (I actually don't figure you'll ever get to any but maybe the first two and last one.)
Semi-related to other stuff:
I've initiated a study of Javascript in order to sit down and code a set of "weird" moves that could then be called upon for use in IDs. Some of my goals (roughly in priority order):
I'm figuring to assign extended Latin characters to each of these, but also have some sort of assignLetter command that can be put into the ID description so a user can assign whatever letter is preferred (including regular ASCII, of course).
And I know that there are solutions to some of these (like Edgehog and Refractor) using complex algorithms; I'm looking to shorten them for the user.
I'll set any of these aside, of course, if you beat me to them. ;) (I actually don't figure you'll ever get to any but maybe the first two and last one.)