Comments by H. G. Muller
EGT on plain 8x8 boards can be generated with FairyGen, and I can confirm that Dragon Horse beats Knight there. As well as Bishop, Nightrider, Woody Rook (WD), Modern Elephant (FA), Phoenix (WA). It cannot beat a Commoner, though. But that is no surprise; even a Queen cannot beat a Commoner, when the latter is connected with its King. (Because the enemy King cannot approach it.)
Mate with Knight + Alibaba is an interesting case. The Alibaba is a 'potent' piece because of its D move, so if you can drive the bare King to a corner the Alibaba can reach, checkmating is easy. But of course the Alibaba can only acces 1/4 of the board, and on 8x8 there always is a single corner it can reach. (The Alibaba is also 'forking' in those corners, and together with the 'semi-potent' Knight it can also force an edge mate there, but that doesn't provide extra possibilities.) Apparently it is too difficult for Knight + Alibaba to drive the bare King to the deadly corner from any of the other corners, so the end-game is a general draw, with only 1% of the positions with black on move a forced loss. (Presumably because the bare King is already trapped in the deadly corner there.)
On 9x9 this goes up to 24%. In this case all corners are equivalent, and 1 of the 4 Alibaba placements (31% to be exact) allows forcing of checkmate in all 4 corners. When stalemating is a win 77% of the positions with black on move is lost. (And 99.3% of the positions with white on move is won.)
Also make sure that graphicsDir contains a valid URL to the piece images. If you want to use those on CVP from home, you should add the website, otherwise it will search the images on your own machine. (Which would be OK if you copied those there.)
It should not come as a surprise that elementary end-games can be completely different in Alice Chess. The pieces only superficially mimic the orthodox pieces, but in fact are completely different beasts: they are al locusts, which capture in passing, and should end on an empty square. So one cannot assume end-games like KBBK, KBNK or KNNK get the same result as in orthodox Chess. I am not sure if it has ever been studied whether these end-games are general wins.
KRK (and hence KQK) seems winnable, because a King is rather vulnerable in Alice Chess: it is not only forbidden to end on a square that is attacked, but also to pass through one. So Alice pieces are pretty good at confining a King; it does not really matter which board they are on. That means a Rook confines a King just like it would in orthodox Chess, and putting the Rook on the same rank or file as the bare King while you have opposition drives the bare King back in the same way, even if it would not actually check because it is on the other board. So the technique is pretty much the same.
Only for delivering the mate you have to be careful that the Rook actually checks, or it would be stalemate. Which is not entirely trivial, because pieces cannot triangulate in Alice Chess. But when a bare King gets confined to a1-b1 with the other King on b3, a Rook on the c-file can either go to c1 in one or two moves to get it on the right board, and to make sure the bare King is on a1 in both cases an extra King move b3-a3 can be played
The Troitsky study exploit the fact that two Knights can easily force stalemate, so that KNNK would be won if stalemate did not cause an instant draw (e.g. because it is an instant win, or forces the opponent to pass a turn). The extra Pawn provides moves that spoil the stalemate to achieve a similar effect, giving one of the Knights time to manoeuvre to the mating square while the black King stands trapped in a corner. But there still is a deadline in achieving this, as at some point the Pawn will promote, and the moves of the resulting Queen will no longer be irrelevant.
In the shown position the Knight is just in time to deliver mate before the Queen can be used, but in Alice Chess ends up on the wrong board for delivering check. But when Ne5 would have started on the other board, the line from the orthodox study would work just as well. Problem is that the Knight cannot triangulate, so you cannot get it to the same square in an odd number of moves to swap boards. So you should somehow force the black King to triangulate.
The problem in the Troitsky study is that the mate is really occurring in the wrong corner, far away from the Pawn, so that the other Knight (which must keep blocking the Pawn until the mate is only two moves away) cannot be used in the confinement, and you have very little control over what the black King does. So if there is a winning strategy here, it must be through driving the bare King to h1 wint King plus a single Knight, making use of the fact that f1, f3 and e4 form a no-go area for the bare King. In that corner you could use the 'free' Knight to guard h3, while moving Kg3-f2 to effectively lose a tempo:
I am not sure whether this will be possible. (And it also depends on whether the bare King arrived in the corner on a board where Nf3 would check it, or black would not be forced into the corner, but would advance his Pawn.) It would be interesting to generate End-Game Tables for Alice Chess. Since the Alice board has 2x64 cells, this would be harder than for orthodox Chess: each extra chess man gives another doubling of the size. For checkmating a bare King it doesn't matter on which board the other King is, though. So tables for end-games like KBNK are 8-times larger than for orthodox Chess.
seems I inadvertantly deleted too much in the latest patch; the routine Illegal(), which tests legality, was no longer called at all.
I fixed that now.
This is natural logarithm (base e). So ln 2 ~ 0.69, i.e. 69 elo for a speed doubling.
This is for engines playing orthodox chess, and seems to be quite universal. (Except when the level of play gets so high that almost all games end in a draw; then doubling the speed doesn't give so much Elo gain anymore, because even a perfect player can only beat a weaker player when the latter makes an error.)
The rule of thumb is that engines gain about 70 Elo for each doubling in speed or thinking time (100 ln(speed)). Ofcourse it is difficult to know the speed advantage the new computer gives to Zilions, as, as far as I know, Zillions does not print the number of positions it has searched. But you could benchmark this with some other chess engine.
Tests with as few as 10 games are usually meaningless. The statistical error in the result of a match of N independent games is 40%/sqrt(N). For N=10 that amounts to 13%, and each 1% score difference equates to about 7 Elo. So the standard deviation of the measured Elo difference would be nearly 100 Elo, more than you would get from a speed doubling. To have a good chance (like 86%) that a speed increase of (say) 21%, (~21 Elo or 3% result improvement, i.e. expected match result 53%) would result in winning a match you would need about 170 games.
This page is just for presenting an external link, and such pages should not contain much other info. The content at the link should speak for itsef. Of course you can create a new page for Chesscraft that would contain an extensive description. (Through )
However, I discovered a new bug where any piece that makes a move to a non-highlighted square will burn/move/make pieces. The squares that get affected are a bit unpredictable though. This also appears to apply to diagrams where the spell parameter is not set, such as this one.
This should be fixed now too. It was a consequence of the partial revert of the legality patch, which moved the 'scoring' back to after the move was selected, instead of scoring each move in the move list. But illegal moves are not in the move list, and one is synthesized based on the origin and destination click when no move in the list that satisfies the clicks is left. I had forgotten to remove the scoring of that synthetic move, so that it was scored twice. The first scoring replaces the 'no promotion' code 0 by the encoding of the piece itself. But the second scoring then interprets the 'has moved' bit of this piece as the encoding of a burn. What exactly gets burned is then determined by the type number of the piece.
This logic kind of falls flat, since Tengu Dai Shogi does the same thing with hook moves and Lion Dog moves and is still considered a Dai Shogi variant.
Considered by who? In my eyes it is more a hybrid. It keeps the pieces from Dai that were in Chu, but the large Shogi variants all do that. The pieces that distingush Dai from Chu were all thrown out. Although one might argue that the promotion-on-capture rule is the decisive difference.
But of course there is nothing against hybrids.
Buddhist Spirit is also an interesting power piece. I think the more important question is whether (some of the) power pieces should be subject to some anti-trading. In original Dai this was not the case, but that could be one of the reasons it was replaced by Chu in terms of popularity. Tenjiku Shogi also has no anti-trading rules. But I actually played that, and even after trading away the Fire Demons and neutralizing the danger of the jumping generals it remains an enormously tense game, because you can get back a Fire Demon through promotion. Which creates an immediately winning imbalance. The Water Buffalo's themselves are only average pieces (by Tenjuku standards), and are not easily traded. So equiping some less important pieces with decisive promotions might be an alternative to anti-trading for keeping a large game exciting.
I think I somewhat fixed it, now. The scoring routine, which has to be applied to the move exactly once before the latter can be performed, would interpret the promotion code (which would also indicate burning), and change it accordingly, as well as adding any burn victims to the move. For the purpose of legality testing I now always set the promotion code of the move to 0 first (meaning no promotion or burning), and set it back to the original value afterwards. That should always completely restore the move like the scoring routine had not been applied at all. (Which was the procedure before we did the legality testing.) So it has to be applied again on the move selected by the user. But by that time the user has also selected the desired promotion, so it will be known whether the move should burn or not, and the scoring routine will adapt the move accordingly.
This means the board state is now always modified as it should be for the chosen move. The legality testing could be off for moves that do burn, though (or kamikaze moves, which are also indicated by a special promotion code). As there will not be any burning during the legality test, the legal/illegal verdict might be wrong by failing to see a checking piece would be burned, or burning a piece discovered a check. But the destination will be highlighted anyway; just by the wrong symbol (grey cross vs normal). This would not prevent you from making the move, though. Instead of a move-entry bug it is just a highlighting bug.
To fix this I should enhance the procedure for legality testing on moves that always burn or self-destruct. Or perhaps on any move where there is no promotion with choice, as it would in principle also be possible to have type-dependent blocking. Only on burning moves the effect of 'scoring' the move is hard to revert; perhaps I should make a copy of the move for testing legality, and discard that copy afterwards. Promotion with choice is a more complex issue; all promotions are selected through the same highlighted destination square. But some of the choices could be legal, others not.
I also tried to reduce the annoying delay that occured on the first time a piece in the Diagram gets clicked. (The legality testing requires piece values to be defined, so rather than on opening the AI panel the time-consuming guestimating of piece values iss now done on the first click.) I did this by just running fewer iterations on that first click.
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No, it would require some extra programming. But not very much.
I suppose I wrote that because it defines three King types. But it appears to use the correct ones, so perhaps I was too pessimistic.
Anyway is the transferrer an interesting concept, or the joker should be enough even in this context?
Well, I dislike Jokers to begin with, so perhaps I am not the right person to comment on this. In principle you can make this as complex as you want: not imitate the piece that was moved, but for each possible type define the type the Joker should move as independently. This way you could also define partical imitation: e.g. if you want to disallowe.p. capture and double push when imitating Pawns, you could define a (no-participating) Pawn without these moves, and ilet the Joker imitate that when a Pawn is moves.
This could be implented by having the user define an array to map (moved) piece types onto (imitated) piece types. In the code you would then simply replace "imitated = movedPiece" by "imitated = transfer[movedPiece]". By default the transfer array would map every type on itself.
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I also found another bug where a piece that promotes to a burner doesn't show in the promotion options and then promotes to a white burner if the moving piece was black. Take for example the Chess Knight in the diagram in my last comment.
[Edit]: Pieces that promote to burners upon being asked for promotion choice (at least for Shogi-style promotion) will also burn pieces regardless of whether promotion is accepted or deferred, even if the original piece does not burn.
I finally understand what is the problem here. There actually was an avelanche of bugs, some stupid (like accidentally masking off the color bit, or forgetting to mask the 'also burns' bit from the code of the promoted piece), and some more fundamental (introduced by the legal highlighting). The stupid ones are fixed now, so that black promotes to black pieces, and the promoted piece does show up on the purple squares.
The problem with the spurious burning is more fundamental, though: the NewClick input routine combined all moves with the same step to a single one for highlighting, making a list of all posible promotion choices for that move. This was fine when burning was only indicated by a different code for the promotion pieces, as it is when the pseudo-legal moves are first generated. Before the moves can be used they are 'scored', however, which also includes identifying which pieces get burned, and writing those into the move as extra locust squares. This used to be done after the user had selected the move and promotion pieces.
But for the legal highlighting it has to be done for all the moves of the selected piece, to make those in order to test legality even before the user selects one. But this interferes with combining the promotion choices when one of those would burn, and the other not. I am not sure yet how to solve this. It is conceivable that one of the promotion choices is legal, and the other not. (E.g. because you burn a piece blocking a slider attack on the King, or fail to burn a hopper mount.)
I was thinking about having a short-range burning piece, which burns diagonally adjacent pieces, like what the Fire Dragon does in Minjiku Shogi. This creates the desired power gap while still allowing adequete defense against the power piece, even without jumping sliders. An example is shown below.
My only reservation is that introducing any form of burning makes it more a Tenjiku-Shogi variant than a Dai-Shogi variant. If it was up to me I would prefer to only use moves of a type that are already in Dai Shogi. A quite strong piece without solo-mating capability could be made by enhancing a Queen with linear two-leg moves like exist on the Horned Falcon and Soaring Eagle.
You indeed caught a bug there. It was limited to the highlighting routine (the AI handled these cases correctly): when scanning through the blast zone for enemies to know if it should highlight by the 'flame' marker it would also access off-board ranks, which caused the script to crash at that point. Thus preventing further generation of moves. I fixed this now.
It seems to me the snout still has too much of an up-curve near the nostrils. I also don't understand why it 'dresses' the horns near the base; most Wildebeest pictures I have seen have the horn run all the way to the skull. It is true that the way the horns attach to the skull is much better here.
For me the archetypal Wildebeest is this:
Problem is that it hasn't the slightest resemblance to a Wildebeest. It is just a horse wearing cow's horns. E.g. the snout curves up, rather than down.
Colors are a drawback when you don't use marker symbols for highlighting the possible moves.
I agree the I.D. in the article is not very pleasing aestethically, and having two diagrams of the initial setup is redundant. It would be better to replace the first diagram by an identically looking I.D.. Perhaps I will do that one of these days.
An interesting case is a Bishop that also attacks the square right in front of it, but cannot move there (BfcW). On 8x8 about half of the positions is won. Which is an intermediate value. It appears there also is a fortress draw here: once the bare King reaches the back-rank corner of the other shade than the (augmented) Bishop is on, there is no way to smoke it out. Since the Bishop cannot attack that corner, the King can always return there after zugzwang forced it to leave it; as long as the bare King stays on a square adjacent to the corner the other King cannot attack that square either.
If we also add a color-switching move (e.g. BfW or BfcWbmW), all corners can be attacked, and nearly all positions are won.
Like the button says, it adds the specified moves. So if the piece is already a King (like it is when you first load the page), it adds them to a King. If you want to add them to another piece, you should first define that piece through the 'Set moves' button.
I now enhanced the EGT generator to also handle divergent moves, and added buttons to the move-definition aid that would add such moves to a previously made definition.
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Not sure I have seen that poll.
But I would say that a mimic moves / promotes / does whatever as the rules of the variant it participates in says it does. It is not a standard piece. Usually mimicking is about moving, and things like promotions or royalty are not part of the move. Of course you could define a piece that mimics the promotion of the last-moved piece too. Or even only that, always keeping its own move, but allowed to promote on it (no matter where it goes) when the opponent promoted. Or even promote in its own prescribed way when the opponent promoted. The possibilities are endless. Of course promotion of a mimic would in general make it a non-mimic. (Unless a game has various types of mimics in it.)
A generalization of a mimic is a piece whose move and/or other properties depends in some way on the previous move of the opponent.