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CSS Dixieland wrote on Tue, Nov 29, 2022 02:38 PM UTC:

Mister Duniho, Mister Reiniger, Gentlemen,

There is no hurry for having the game of Maidens Chess accepted as officially indexed as one of the games playable via Game Courier, and published in the excellent pages of Chess Variants. Maidens Chess has been played several times for about a year, and a game of Maidens Chess is currently being played in Game Courier as inert board (this is, without indication of legal moves and without enforcement of rules).

However, for the sake of completeness it would be better to have Maidens Chess accepted and published, and for that aim it is perfectly understandable that the page related to the game must comply, within reason, with the editorial policy of Game Courier and of Chess Variants.

Therefore it is proposed TO MOVE the historical part to a different page inside Chess Variants, keeping in this page only the four sections of purely technical information: 'Set Up', 'Pieces', 'Rules' and 'Notes'. In other words, just the first lines of introduction would be kept in this page, then an internal hyper link called 'History of the Game of Maidens Chess', pointing to another page in this server, and finally the four technical sections mentioned above.

The solution proposed would probably satisfy the Editorial Staff, and certainly it satisfies the creator of the game. As for the content being 'probably not quite appropriate for this site', with due respect to the personal judgement of the Distinguished Editor, it must be said that nothing in that content could be misinterpreted as 'immoral' by any stretch of the imagination. It is just an innocent piece of humour in good taste. No one could feel offended by it.

When Mister Aaron Nimzowitsch presented the manuscript of his famous book 'Mein System' to the editors, he encountered a similar problem. The text contained a few passages of innocuous humour, and the editors objected to them. Yet, his book is considered one of the most important in the History of our Noble Game, and it has been praised by serious critics IN SPITE of the humorous passages.

Please do not be too harsh in Your criticism of some joyful flavour in the text of the informational page. It is much to be doubted that even the most strict censors would decide to label it as 'improper for publication', or that any reader would choose to send an angry complaint demanding to remove those lines. As it is, the text is informative and enjoyable, without going beyond limits.

If the Editorial Staff accept the proposal of moving the complete 'History of the Game of Maidens Chess' to another page, pray express that approval here.

Receive, Gentlemen, a Confederate Salute.

Dixieland for ever !
CSS Dixieland

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