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Jeyoon Jung wrote on Sun, Nov 14, 2021 06:57 AM UTC:

I think this is a good time to talk about piece values. In Janggi, it is much more difficult to checkmate than in other games. In chess, the existence of promotion and the usage of the king as an offensive piece makes it so that an advantage of a pawn can be a win. In Xiangqi, due to the flying general rule and the royal piece being a Wazir, plus the fact that stalemate is a win, makes mating with a pawn a possible task.

However, in Janggi, the king is never an offensive piece, it is much more mobile, and the counsellors are stronger as well. Because of this it is impossible to mate a lone king with a single piece. Two pieces are hard to win even if the opponent has a single counsellor. And in Gwangsanghui, there are many defensive pieces, so mating a king might be even harder. Imagine being a rook up, but drawing because you cannot mate! If we decide to determine the winner by comparing points like in Janggi, it will be crucial to assign the right values to each piece.

In Janggi the piece values are as follows: the chariot is 13 points, the cannon is 7, the horse is 5, the elephant and counsellor are both 3, and the pawns are 2.

I'm suspecting that the elephant is somewhat better here because of the bigger board, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's about half a point better.

I think a good approach would be comparing pieces to other games, as many pieces here are very common. One thing that can mess up the calculation is the more open board of Janggi. Maybe the power of the rooks are boosted much more than the leapers? If so, how much? Or are they boosted the same amount? Research is definitely required.

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