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Charles Gilman wrote on Mon, Apr 11, 2016 06:50 AM UTC:
Over the past two months or so I have used the new virtual single images, and this range of images in particular, to refresh my variant pages. They have allowede me to drastically reduce multiple uses of piece images and the related confusion. Where there still is multiple use, it is generally for pieces in different geometries. All the ones that were easy have been done, and most of the ones that I had to think more about. Over this week I hope to refresh even Flipped-return Nichtschach, Bachelor Hunterbeest, Hunterbeest, and Westfield Chess.

Of course I still have a few variants that do not suit this method of array presentation, and unfortunately but perhaps inevitably they are the ones that did not suit ffen diagrams either. Therefore I am still lumbered with a few actual single images. I am still minded to get rid of Square Versus Hex and Xiangcata on those among other grounds, if no-one calls for them to be retained. I am even wondering about Kennet, as suffragan bishops are a bit of a stretch and the variant is not really that distinctive of its setting. I have however managed to strip out such images in 3 player Honeycomb, Crouching Stepper Hidden Rider, Mixed Radial hex Chess, Heathen Europe Chess, and Yoto and as far as I am concerned the redundant image files can be deleted from the site. The space freed up should make it possible to add movement diagrams to my Man and Beast articles, and I can see a case for putting piece images on the index pages now that my choice of images is so much more distinct.

Another group of pages that I have been unable to edit are, of course, the ones predating post-your-own. It would be useful if an editor could use the new system to match with later variants (e.g. Magna Carta to use a subset of the piece images in 3d Magna Carta, Pink Panther of those in 2 Jewels, Mitregi of those in Mitregi with compounds of duals). On only one page, however, is it urgent to change the array diagram as it is currently misleading. This is Bachelor Kamil, which should have the array image:

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