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George Duke wrote on Mon, Nov 3, 2008 06:39 PM UTC:
At GC there are 7 finished logs of Cavalier and 4 of Grand Cavalier, so don't hold out much hope for extensive play. In fact, I enjoyed one game of Cavalier Chess 8x8 at Game Courier years ago, beating Carlos. Because of radical Pawns, these are Track Two rather than Track One, to use Joyce's categories, Track One being potential OrthoChess replacements. Duniho convincingly justifies GCC and CC's being different from Frank Maus' 1920's' Cavalry Chess at article by Aronson in 2001 in Duniho's postcript. I agree that blockable Cavalier, Xiangqi Knight, as Pawn is big improvement over Cavalry and fully justifies separate invention. Although it should not be stated the way Duniho does there, ''I was ignorant of it when I created Cavalier Chess.'' By logic then someone could ''invent'' Mad Queen 8x8 and say she or he was ignorant of its prior existence. The difference is only 500 years versus 75 years. The point in this case is that Grand C. and Cavalier clearly have, as Joyce employs, different feel and make unique CVs. Now however it is disingenuous to urge someone to play either of them. I thought that had been laid to rest by now. There are 3000 separate CVs here and 20000 counting variations. How justify one CV over another for play? That is being addressed at threads encouraging analysis, a priori if one will. Cannot someone render opinions without playing a game? It is impossible to play more than some hundred different CVs a year in full scores. Grand Cavalier and Cavalier are ten years old, not current fare but part of CV history now. Most viewers will have to content with a few imaginative in-their-head moves of Cavalier Pawns for appreciation of these two perfectly competent Track Twos. Partly it is question of time and priority. (Incidentally would Duniho welcome Cavalier being called ''lame''? It would be useless negative adjective since the paths still need to be described, Cavalier happening to be one-path.)

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