Antimage Chess

-Dragon Horse (a1, h1)
-Knight (b1, g1)
-Tiger (c1, f1)
-Queen (d1)
-King (e1)
-Salamander (a2-h2)
-Antimage (d6)
-Dragon Horse (a8, h8)
-Knight (b8, g8)
-Tiger (c8, f8)
-Queen (d8)
-King (e8)
-Salamander (a7-h7)
Dragon HorseMoveset: It has range 7 move or attack in all diagonal directions, 1 orthogonal range move or attack.
Moveset: 2 diagonal range move or attack.
Ability: When capturing an opponent's piece, it remains in it's original position instead of taking the position of the captured piece.
From: Sirlin's Chess
Moveset: 1 forward diagonal range move, 1 forward orthogonal attack only.
Ability: When capturing an opponent's piece, it remains in it's original position instead of taking the position of the captured piece.
From: Chess Evolved Online.
Moveset: 2 orthogonal range move or attack, 1 diagonal range move only, 3 orthogonal range move only.
Ability: Immune to ranged attack (Salamander & Tiger can't capture Antimage).
From: Older version of Chess Evolved Online.
Salamander promotes to Knight or Tiger on the non-corner last rank, promotes to Knight, Tiger, Antimage, Dragon Horse, or Queen on the corner last rank.
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By HaruN Y.
Web page created: 2023-10-30. Web page last updated: 2024-04-23