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TigerChess extras

A Reference item called: TigerChess extras The following needs to be read in conjunction with the original TigerChess CVP and contains some extras not included in the original TigerChess CVP but has only minor rule changes… • The board is called “the Emerald Kingdom board” • The Standards are decorative items only. • Towers/Siege Towers: once Protecting the Queen has taken place or it is no longer possible for one or both Towers to partake in Protecting the Queen, then the relevant Tower(s) is/are re-fitted (by the Inhabitants of the Dwellings) and is/are known as King’s or Queen’s Siege Towers. The only effect of this is one of change of appearance and name. The Fittings are kept in the Watchtowers. The Towers were constructed by the Inhabitants of the Dwellings. This could also be stated as follows: that a Tower is such whilst it has not been used to Protect its Queen and can still be used to do so; once this is not the case then it is a Siege Tower. • Each side can only exchange a Pikeman once for a TigerKnight. If the TigerKnight is subsequently captured he cannot be further exchanged. • Details of Palaces: the actual layout of the Palaces is as shown below: • The TigerKnights belong to the organisation known as “The Order of Tigers” - see the game of TigerSquares. • Examples of Mate with TigerKnights: Defending Queen on H8 Attacking Queen on F6 Attacking TigerKnight on E5 Attacking Warlord to move. With the Bengal TigerKnight: TigerKnight G4, Queen G8 Queen G6, Queen F8 TigerKnight D5+, Queen G8 TigerKnight C7, Queen H8 TigerKnight F5++ With the Siberian TigerKnight: TigerKnight F8, Queen G8 TigerKnight F4, Queen H8 Queen G6, Queen G8 TigerKnight D5, Queen H8 TigerKnight E7++ • If the Dragon variation for deployment occurs then: if the Swordsmen are posted to the same coloured squares as their Barons then this variation is sub-titled “Barons’ deployment”, whereas if to the same coloured squares as their Baronesses the sub-title is “Baronesses’ deployment”. • The working of the clocks is reiterated with a note on Double Countdown clocks: Clocks must be TigerClocks of the Triple Countdown type. For example, say that each player is allocated 30 minutes on his clock, which counts down, to complete the deployment phase and should not exceed this limit. Upon the commencement of the engagement phase a further 150 minutes is added to each players clock on top of any remaining balance from the Deployment phase. Each player should now complete all, or as many as possible of, his moves before his clock counts down to zero. If, however, a player’s clock reaches zero during the deployment phase he does not automatically lose but may not make any further postings of Swordsmen, his opponent then posts his remaining Swordsman with the same clock rule applying and may post these Swordsmen anywhere on his third or fourth rank. During the engagement phase each move a player makes builds up 60 seconds on a separate reserve (or separate clock) and if his main clock counts down to zero he must then complete all his moves within this reserve time or will lose the game. For example if a player has made 50 moves during the engagement phase and his clock has counted down to zero he is allowed a final 50 minutes (which countdown) to complete all his moves in. Moves made during this final phase do not build up any further time. A Double Countdown type TigerClock would be where there was no deployment phase and so no deployment time allocated. These type of clocks are usually described as: TigerClocks - double(or triple)countdown. • Under the TigerVariation: if the dice have rolled a double one then the Bengal Warlord must post his Royal Guard to the same wing of his Palace as the Siberian Warlord has posted his Royal Guard to (called Fixed). If the dice have rolled a double two or a double three then the Bengal Warlord must post his Royal Guard to a different wing than that which the Siberian Warlord has posted his Royal Guard to (called Restricted). There are no restrictions for any other double rolled (four, five or six) (called General) and the Siberian Warlord has a full choice of Palace wings for posting to whatever double is rolled. • Under the TigerVariation a nominal only half point is awarded to each player for a draw. • Siberia Square & Bengal Square: under the TigerVariation the positions which the Standard Bearers must occupy in order to achieve Occupation of the Palace are known as Siberia Square (on the 8th rank) and Bengal Square (on the 1st rank). As an option (both players must agree and the Arbiter must enquire of the players) these positions may have placed on them a coloured block or border – orange for Siberia Square and white for Bengal Square. The placement, for each player, of the block or border is immediately after the posting of their Royal Guard. • Game designations are stated by reference to whether the TigerVariation is played and to the deployment variations. For example, if the Arbiter had rolled a single dice and the number four had shown (the players not having agreed to play the open variation) and the Arbiter had then rolled two dice to show a double five, the full designation of the game would be: “TigerCountdown variation – general”. Where the TigerVariation is not played then this is known as the Standard game. • The Forest Animals’ piece design set: this design set can be used for TigerChess only (all variations) and has noticeable animal features worked into the following pieces: The TigerKnight is still called so and has the animal features of a Tiger. The Standard Bearer is still called so and has the animal features of a Bear. The King’s Lancer is called the LanceBear and has the animal features of a Bear. The Queen’s Lancer is called the LeopardGuard and has the animal features of a Leopard and/or a Snow Leopard. The Knight (A to H)is called a Leaping Wolf (A to H) and has the animal features of a Wolf. The Pikeman (A to H) is called a footPike (A to H) and has the animal features of a Pike. The Archer (i to iv) is called a Flying Fisher (i to iv) and has the animal features of a Kingfisher. The Swordsman (i to iv) is called a jumpStick (i to iv) and has the animal features of a Stick Insect. Note: All this set’s pieces have a certain amount of features of a Forest and its Wildlife. • Order of Play: the following broad outline of the order of play may be displayed to players. A) Roll of one dice: The Arbiter to ascertain whether the players agree to play the Open variation. If the Open variation is agreed, then there is no roll of one dice. If the Open variation is not agreed, then there is a roll of one dice. Roll of one dice table: (for the posting of Swordsmen) 1 – Symmetrical variation 2 – Countdown variation 3 – Dragon variation 4 – Countdown variation 5 – Dragon variation 6 – Countdown variation After the above, there follows: B) Roll of two dice: If a double is not rolled, then the TigerVariation is not played. If a double is rolled, then the TigerVariation is played. The Arbiter to ascertain (if the TigerVariation) whether the players agree to the placement of blocks or borders on Siberia Square and Bengal Square. Roll of two dice table: (for the posting of Royal Guards) Double 1 – Fixed Double 2 – Restricted Double 3 – Restricted Double 4 – General Double 5 – General Double 6 – General Note: It is not permitted after a roll of one dice to then roll a second dice singly to form a roll of two dice; two dice must be rolled separately together to form a roll of two dice. C) Deployment phase: After the roll of two dice: Clocks are set (if necessary), and started. Royal Guards are posted (if the TigerVariation) along with blocks or borders being placed (if the TigerVariation and if agreed). Swordsmen are posted. D) Engagement phase: After completion of the posting of Swordsmen the engagement phase commences with the first move made by the Bengal Warlord. E) Completion: Upon the conclusion of the game, the scoresheet is completed, signed by the Arbiter and the players and is retained by the Arbiter for processing. • Notes addition: Rules – Other • ..... • ..... • The Emerald Lord is the name/title won by the winning Warlord (Player) and he acquires a number of powers henceforth. Though it is not known what the full extent of these powers are they include (were he to appear on the board in the future) the combined powers of a (Bengal) TigerKnight and a Standard Bearer (King’s Lancer or LanceBear). Many, perhaps most, think it likely that the Emerald Lord can capture a Royal Guard and so occupy a Palace by means of his moving and capturing powers of a (Bengal) TigerKnight as well as those he has of a King's Lancer. • Standards: The Siberian Standard (Flag) shows stripes of (left to right) mid-orange, white and black on a mid-green background and is the same on both sides. The Bengal Standard (Flag) shows stripes (left to right) of white and black on a light-green background and is the same on both sides. Random variation This is a deployment variation of TigerChess whereby all Swordsmen are posted randomly. This variation may only be used for exhibition play or social play. The following rules/guidelines apply: 1. The random posting of Swordsmen can be carried out by the use of two shuffled packs (one for each side) of sixteen cards. Each pack has one card for each of the possible deployment squares for the pack’s side. 2. After the Swordsmen have been posted there is a period of time (a typical amount would be thirty minutes) where the players may study the position before the clocks are started (clocks are TigerClocks of the double countdown type) and they may not make any moves during this time. After this time has expired the game moves to the engagement phase as with TigerChess and the game follows the same rules as for TigerChess. 3. There is no TigerVariation. © Copyright G. Nicholls 2012/13/14

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By Glenn Nicholls.
Web page created: 2012-05-19. Web page last updated: 2012-05-21