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@ H.G.: Diagram wrongly labelled 'Big Chess'.

The description of castling in this article is ambiguous, and both interpretations are self-contradictory. I opted for 3-step castling, which makes the fimal result look like orthodox King-side castling.
Thanks for your feedback.
I have reinvented this chess variant into Kingsmen. The pawns are on the third rank like in Shogi, and cannot double advance on the first move (and hence no en passant).
Also like Shogi, all non-royal pieces in Kingsmen promote on the last three ranks. A promoted piece can move like a King (one square in any direction) in addition to its original moves.

I think this game is OK, but I do not care for the promotion rules. The game does not have a queen, so promotion to queen would already be the strongest piece. The amazon seems excessive and most games that feature that piece are not very good IMO. The amazon attacks in 16 directions while the next strongest piece - the rook - only attacks four.
This is similar to Episcopal Chess, described in Experiments in Symmetry, but it is played on a larger board with a slight difference in rules.
The setup graphic is not showing. This should be fixed before publication.
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Thanks! (That is what you get when you clone all these Diagrams from each other...)